Page 5 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
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B. Report from Legal Counsel – Keith McCullough, Alvarado Smith

Legal Counsel McCullough reported on the CV Communities pending change of ownership as well as the
pending request for two policies regarding return flows and new water. The policy request will be
completed once a new safe yield has been determined and accepted by the committee.

VII. Discussion Items
A. Authorization for ALDA to Prepare a Water Level Monitoring Assessment Plan [Memorandum
No. 14-12, Page 13 of 71]

Recommendation: That the Watermaster Committee authorizes ALDA Inc. to conduct
an assessment of existing monitoring wells and to develop a cost estimate to repair,
maintain, and collect water data during Calendar Year 2015.

Engineer Blandon provided a brief history of the monitoring of the wells. The program for monitoring
wells for water levels was established in 2006 and continued until 2011. The proposal includes a field
assessment to determine the type of equipment used and their status, to identify additional wells to
monitor, and prepare a memorandum with the findings including the cost of any equipment repairs by
February 2016.

Public Comment:

John Covington suggested Mr. Blandon generate a list of well facility locations along with established or
needed equipment for future monitoring. He also confirmed the information provided by Member Fraser
regarding information being available from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

After discussion, Chairman Burke made a motion to authorize ALDA Inc. to conduct an assessment of
existing monitoring wells and develop a cost estimate with the amendment to add monitoring information
from 2011 to current from either the individual districts or the USGS as they recently completed their
own monitoring assessment of the basin. The motion was seconded by Member Zoba and passed 5-0.

B. Amendment No. 1 to Task Order No. 3 Related to the Groundwater Model Update and
Redetermination of Safe Yield [Memorandum No. 14-13, Page 15 of 71]

Recommendation: That the Watermaster Committee approves Amendment No. 1 to
Task Order No. 3 with ALDA, Inc. for a sum not to exceed $26,430.

Member Zoba explained the additional work for the safe yield study that will generate an increase in the
cost per the recent Committee requests. After discussion, Chairman Burke motioned to approve the
amendment. The motion was seconded by Member Fraser and passed 5-0.

C. Review of Documents Pertaining to the Transfer of Overlying Water Rights from Sunny-Cal Egg
& Poultry Company to CV Communities, LLC [Memorandum No. 14-14, Page 22 of 71]

Recommendation: That the Watermaster Committee reviews the attached
documentation and provides direction to the Watermaster Legal Counsel.

Legal Counsel McCullough explained the request for recognition of the transfer with the associated
overlyer water rights as the property transfer is in name only. Several options were discussed in terms of
a possible future resolution for global approval of transfers taking into consideration the overlying rights
being transferred to the assessor and the information being documented in the annual report once
reported to the Committee Engineer. As there were questions as to methods of tracking overlyer right

Beaumont Basin Watermaster Meeting - February 4, 2015 - Page 5 of 45
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