Page 11 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
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consensus among the Members of the Watermaster to include this condition, and
                       Member  Zoba  suggested  having  RMC  agree  to  that  condition  in  writing,  with  the
                       assistance of Legal Counsel Montoya. He also requested a copy of the written request
                       from RMC to Mr. Harder.

                       Legal Counsel Montoya suggested that the Watermaster have RMC submit a Public
                       Record Act request for the data, to which the Watermaster could respond accordingly.
                       The Members of the Watermaster voiced their agreement with this suggestion.

               B.      Report from Legal Counsel - Thierry Montoya, Alvarado Smith

                       Legal Counsel Thierry Montoya reported that he had prepared an amendment to the
                       contract with ALDA Inc. and had emailed it to the Watermaster Members for their
                       comments. He noted that if there were no comments the agreement is ready for

        VI.    Discussion Items

                   A.  Overview  of  the  Issues  Associated  with  the  Estimation  of  Groundwater  Storage
                       Losses due to Supplemental Water Recharge [Memorandum No. 17-12, Page 7 of

                              Recommendation:  No recommendation.

                              Mr. Harder presented a synopsis of the methodology, or lack thereof, of twelve
                              groundwater  management  basins  in  California  in  estimating  groundwater
                              storage losses. He concluded his synopsis by suggesting that in his research,
                              he had found that with the exception of a couple of groundwater management
                              basins, storage losses are not addressed as technically or in as much detail as
                              he had expected.

                              Mr. Harder went on to discuss the unique hydrogeological issues faced by the
                              Beaumont Basin in developing a methodology for accounting for groundwater
                              storage losses, then provided a few conceptual scenarios for addressing those
                              issues in the development of a model.

                              Several  Members  voiced  their  support  of  a  technically  defensible  model  to
                              estimate groundwater storage losses as opposed to applying a flat percentage
                              of groundwater storage losses to all storage accounts.

                              Engineer  Blandon  asked  for  clarification  from  the  Watermaster  in  terms  of
                              whether  a  line  item  proposal  for  developing  a  sound  model  for  estimating
                              groundwater  storage  losses  would  be  desired.  The  consensus  among  the
                              Watermaster  was  that  such  a  proposal  would  be  acceptable  and  Engineer
                              Blandon confirmed that one would be presented at the following meeting.

         VII.  Topics for Future Meetings

               A.      Groundwater Storage Agreement in the Beaumont Basin for the San Gorgonio Pass
                       Water Agency
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