Page 9 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
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B.      Presentation of the Draft 2017 Consolidated Annual Report and Engineering Report

                              Recommendation:  No recommendation.
                              Engineer Hannibal Blandon drew attention to the document for member review
                              and  comment.  It  must  be  finalized  at  the  March  meeting:  he  reminded
                              members the meeting date was changed to accommodate the April 1 deadline.

                              Mr. Blandon reviewed two resolutions passed in 2017.
                              Mr. Blandon noted the 100 year average precipitation from 1918 to 2017 was
                              17.16 inches annually. He pointed out changes in tracking of different types of
                              water rights as part of the adjudication. Production rights of appropriators are
                              now  based  on  transfers  of  underproduction  from  overlying  parties  or  other
                              appropriators, purchase of water, and maintenance of a storage account in the
                              In 2017, production was 13,462 Acre-Feet (AF), slightly higher than the 5-year
                              average. The highest production recorded was in 2007 at 16,505 AF. Water
                              production  has  been inching  up  toward  that  number  each  of  the  last  three
                              years. The operating safe yield was revised in 2013 to 6,700 AF.

                              To create the report, production information is requested from the overlying
                              users, and there is an issue with the Plantation by the Lake. Previous reports
                              must be revised, as there is a significant discrepancy with how the data has
                              been reported for the last few years.

                              Mr. Blandon discussed the transfer of overlying rights from Oak Valley Partners
                              to Yucaipa Valley Water District under an agreement that YVWD will provide
                              water to the development.

                              Member  Warsinski  expressed  concern  about  the  data  as  reported.  He
                              suggested a smaller time span sample of Cumulative Departure from the Mean
                              Precipitation than the 100-year data in the chart. Mr. Blandon will add a smaller
                              data set with the final version.
                              Mr.  Tom  Harder  addressed  the  preliminary  2017  Operating  Safe  Yield
                              Estimates, indicating 2,289 AF of operating safe yield, which is significantly
                              lower than it has been in the past. The average from 2012-2017 is about 6,000
                              AF per year, so it is running a bit below the long-term safe yield. There is not
                              a lot of change in storage from precipitation. He shared the 2016-17 changes
                              in groundwater elevation noting increases in water levels around the Noble
                              Creek recharge facility and downward trends at Tukwet Canyon and Beaumont
                              Well 29.
                              Mr. Blandon said area water quality meets state and federal standards with
                              the  exception  of  one  well  which  once  exceeded  the  notification  limit  for
                              Member Zoba asked about the potential of developing a water recharge policy
                              now that the model is in place and calibrated. Mr. Blandon  explained more
                              information  on  discharge  would  be  needed.    Mr.  Harder  added  that  more
                              investigation is needed, and recommend putting in some monitoring wells.
                              It was suggested to attach the slides as appendices to the report and include
                              graphs of safe yield.

        BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER – COMMITTEE MINUTES 2018-02-07                                        PAGE 3 of 6
                                        Beaumont Basin Watermaster - March 28, 2018 - Page 9 of 30
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