Page 6 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
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of amended rules  and regulations, to publish for public  comment.
                              Counsel recommended no action on Resolution 2019-02.

                              Chair Vela asked Legal Counsel Montoya to re-read the document and
                              appointed Members Zoba and Jaggers to an Ad Hoc Committee on Rules
                              and Regulations. BCVWD Counsel Markman requested to be included
                              via conference call. The request was denied.

                              It was moved by Member Warsinski and seconded by Member Jorritsma
                              to take NO ACTION on Resolution 2019-02.
                               AYES:                  Jaggers, Jorritsma, Vela, Warsinski, Zoba
                               NOES:                  None.
                               ABSTAIN:               None.
                               ABSENT:                None.
                               STATUS:                Motion Approved

                          C.  Status Report  on Water Level Monitoring throughout the Beaumont
                              Basin through March 18, 2019

                                     Recommendation:  None.
                              Member Jorritsma requested information on how much water is pumped
                              from the monitoring wells. Engineer Blandon explained that only two of
                              the 16 monitoring wells are pumping wells.

                          D.  A Comparison of Production and Allowable Extractions through February
                                     Recommendation:  None.

                              There was no discussion.

                          E.  Certification of Groundwater Production and Imported Water Use During
                              Calendar Year 2018

                                     Recommendation: That the Watermaster Committee certifies the
                                     groundwater production, imported water spreading, and change
                                     in storage in the Beaumont Groundwater Basin for Calendar Year
                              Chairman Vela  suggested that  due  to ongoing  discussion regarding
                              transfer of overlying rights, the title of the chart should be changed from
                              “Transfer of Overlying Rights from 2014” to “Appropriation of Overlying
                              Rights from 2014.” Mr. Blandon stated that the wording comes from the
                              Rules and Regulations. Member Warsinski suggested adding the word
                              “unused” to clarify.

                              It was moved by Member Jaggers and seconded by Member Jorritsma
                              to certify the groundwater production, imported water spreading, and

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER COMMITTEE - MINUTES 2019-03-27                          PAGE 3 OF 4

                                        Beaumont Basin Watermaster - June 25, 2019 - Page 6 of 32
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