Page 18 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
P. 18


                                          MEMORANDUM NO. 19-17

               Date:                    August 7, 2019

               From:                    Hannibal Blandon, ALDA Inc.

               Subject:                 A Comparison of Production and Allowable Extractions through
                                        June 2019

               Recommendation:          No recommendation - For informational purposes only.

               The purpose of this Technical Memorandum is to present a comparison of production
               rights from the basin against actual production by Appropriators.  Production rights consist
               of  the  sum  of  Unused  Production  by  Overlying  Users  from  2014  transferred  to
               Appropriators for 2019 and Imported Water Spreading.  This sum is compared against
               actual production through June 2019. It should be noted that 2019 is the first year in which
               the Transfer of Overlying Rights were derived from the current basin safe yield of 6,700

               During the first six months of the year a total of 5,304 ac-ft of water were produced from
               the basin by the Appropriators while 6,153 ac-ft of imported water were spread at the
               Noble Creek spreading grounds.  Unused production by Overlying users for 2014 was
               estimated  at  4,481  ac-ft.    The  table  below  presents  the  above  comparison  for  all
               Appropriators; all numbers shown in ac-ft, except as noted.

                                                     Beaumont         South        Yucaipa
                                                       Cherry         Mesa
                                         City of        Valley        Mutual        Valley         Total
                                        Banning                                     Water
                                                        Water         Water
                                                       District     Company         District

                Transfer of Overlying     1,408         1,905          559            609          4,481
                  Rights from 2014

                   Imported Water          125          6,028            0             0           6,153

                        Total             1,533         7,933          559            609          10,634

                     Production            827          4,352          125             0           5,304

                     % of Total          53.9%          54.9%         22.4%          0.0%          49.8%

                                        Beaumont Basin Watermaster - August 7, 2019 - Page 18 of 38
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