Page 17 - Yucaipa Valley Water District
P. 17

Director Memorandum 19-015

                Date:              February 5, 2019

                Prepared By:       Allison M. Edmisten, Chief Financial Officer

                Subject:           Presentation of Budget Adjustments for Fiscal Year 2018-19

                Recommendation:        That the Board approves the proposed adjustments to the Fiscal Year
                                       2018-19 operating budget.

               The following are adjustments to the 2018-19 Adopted budget based on trending and/or items
               that were not anticipated when the initial budget was adopted in June 2018.

               For both the water and sewer funds there is an increase in both revenue and expenses as a result
               of the water fund eliminating an annual transfer to the sewer fund and the sewer fund service
               charge revenue trending higher than initially budgeted.  For the recycled fund there is a decrease
               in both revenue and expenses as a result of the elimination of the annual transfer from the water
               fund mentioned above.  After the adjustments, this continues to be a balanced budget.

               District staff will continue to do budget adjustments each fiscal year as needed.

                                       Yucaipa Valley Water District - February 5, 2019 - Page 17 of 74
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