Page 166 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 166
Table 1. Investigation Site Information Summary
USGS TRS and 1/4 Section SBCFCD Proposed Test Basin (30' x Water
Investigation Site Owner APN Longitude 1 Latatitude 1 7.5' Quad (San Bernardino) Permit? 30' x 5') Preferred Water Source Type Location Directions
SBCFCD Permit Sites (shown on Figure 1)
Heading east on Oak Glen road, take left and head north on Fremont Street,
Wilson Creek Basins Imported
(EX-1) SBCFCD 032-105-227 -117.030388 34.050074 Yucaipa 1S/1W-30N Yes Existing Basin SWP water - Valley WD SWP Wilson Creek Basins take left into Wilson Creek Basins; site is 500 feet north of Oak Glen Road b/t
Fremont St and Bryant St; third basin west of Fremont St
Oak Glen Creek Basins 2
(EX-2) SBCFCD 032-131-112 -117.031687 34.044786 Yucaipa 1S/1W-31D Yes Existing Basin YVWD hydrant Potable Oak Glen Creek Basins Enter Eucalyptus Street off Bryant Street; second basin from Bryant Street
Head south on 2nd St off Oak Glen Road. Site is approximately 1,500 feet south
Wilson Creek III/Unnamed 2 2nd Street between Oak Glen Road
(EX-3) SBCFCD 030-319-104 -117.043084 34.043645 Yucaipa 1S/2W-36F Yes New Temp Basin YVWD hydrant Potable and Persimmon Avenue at low elevation point on east side of road; downstream of Potato Creek Flood
Control Basin
Wildwood Creek Basins City of Yucaipa irrigation South of Wildwood Canyon Road, approximately 0.5 miles west of intersection
(EX-4) SBCFCD 124-227-103 -117.019497 34.014224 Yucaipa 2S/1W-7H Yes Existing Basin (50 gpm) Potable Wildwood Creek Basin with Mesa Grande Drive
Yucaipa Creek at California Approxiamtely 350 feet upstream (east) of California Street overpass, north of
St (EX-5) SBCFCD 124-204-116 -117.035441 34.014101 Yucaipa 2S/2W-12H Yes Existing Channel SMWC hydrant Potable Yucaipa Creek equestrian facility
From Calimesa Blvd turn onto Avenue G and head north, take first left on
Yucaipa Creek at 7th Place
(EX-6) SBCFCD 031-819-236 -117.066233 34.012990 Yucaipa 2S/2W-11E Yes Existing Channel SMWC hydrant Potable Yucaipa Creek unnamed street. Site is in channel approximately 250 northeast of where 7th
Place would cross channel
Oak Glen Creek 2 150 feet downstream of 10th Street overpass, approximately 400 feet south of
(EX-9) SBCFCD 031-801-328 -117.078137 34.032730 Yucaipa 2S/2W-3C Yes Existing Channel YVWD hydrant Potable Oak Glen Creek Yucaipa Blvd
Non-SBCFCD Permit Sites (shown on Figure 2)
Tennessee Street 2
Basins City of Yucaipa 029-940-118 -117.105400 34.034243 Yucaipa 1S/2W-32R No Existing Basin YVWD hydrant Potable Tennessee Street Basins 150 feet north of Tennessee Street, 700 feet west of 16th Street
Chapman Heights 2 300 feet north/northeast or intersection between Chapman Height Road and
Basins City of Yucaipa 029-932-105 -117.091417 34.037674 Yucaipa 1S/2W-33K No New Temp Basin YVWD hydrant Potable Chapman Heights Basin 13th Street
Dunlap Channel City of Yucaipa 030-103-207 -117.096351 34.030611 Yucaipa 2S/2W-4C No Existing Channel WHWC hydrant Potable Dunlap Channel 100 feet north of 14th Street and 280 feet east of Avenue D
10th St and Avenue E South Mountain 2
(EX-7) Water Company 031-806-107 -117.079571 34.025065 Yucaipa 2S/2W-3L No New Temp Basin YVWD hydrant Potable unnamed local drainage 100 feet east of 10th street, between Avenue E and Washington Drive
"Garden Air Creek" off east end of Holmes Way, 0.26 Head east on Holmes Way off Holmes Street, proposed location is
(EX-10) Private Property NA -117.016678 34.002332 El Casco 2S/1W-18A No New Temp Basin SMWC hydrant Potable miles east of Holmes Street approximately 120 feet southeast of end of road on undeveloped land
"Garden Air Creek" Bryant St, 700 feet south of Green Head south on Bryant St, proposed location is 700 feet south of Green Tree
(EX-11) Private Property NA -117.033741 33.996675 El Casco 2S/1W-17D No New Temp Basin SMWC hydrant Potable Tree Circle Circle, 200 feet east off Bryant Street on undeveloped land
NA = Not available
SBCFCD - San Bernardino County Flood Control District
YVWD - Yucaipa Valley Water District
WHWC - Western Heights Water Company
SMWC - South Mesa Water Company
1 - North America Datum 1983
2 - Preferred source is YVWD hydrant. If unavailable, alternative water source will be used requiring onsite water storage.
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 148 of 226