Page 4 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 4

A.     Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 25, 2018

                              David Armstrong moved to approve the meeting minutes from April 25, 2018.
                              Bob Tincher seconded the motion.  The meeting minutes were approved by a
                              unanimous vote of the board members.

               V.      Presentation

                       A.     Presentation  of  Brown  Act  Requirements  for  the  Yucaipa  Groundwater
                              Sustainability Agency

                              By teleconference, Jim Ciampa from Lagerlof, Senecal, Gosney, & Kruse provided
                              a presentation of the key elements of the Brown Act that would be applicable to
                              the Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency board members.

               VI.     Discussion Items

                       A.     Overview of the Draft Bylaws of the Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency

                              Mark Iverson provided an introduction and stated the purpose of bylaws for the
                              organization.    Joseph  Zoba  provided  an  overview  of  the  draft  Bylaws  of  the
                              Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency.  Following a brief discussion about
                              changes from prior versions of the document, Bob Tincher moved approval of the
                              Bylaws as presented.  David Armstrong seconded the motion.  The Bylaws were
                              approved by a unanimous vote of the board members.

                       B.     Status  Report  on  the  Request  for  Proposals  Related  to  the  Development  of  a
                              Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area Closing on June 20,

                              Aaron Jones provided an overview of the Request for Proposals  related to the
                              development of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan.   Proposals are due on June
                              20, 2018.

                       C.     Status  Report  on  the  Request  for  Proposals  Related  to  the  Development  of  a
                              Website for the Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency

                              Aaron Jones provided a summary of the proposals received from consultants for
                              the development of a website for the Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency.
                              The  typical  cost  of  the  8  proposals  received  would  cost  a  minimum  of  about

                              After  a  discussion  by  the  board  members,  Joseph  Zoba  moved  to  reject  all
                              proposals  and  have  the  website  developed  by  staff  members  of  the  San
                              Bernardino  Valley  Municipal  Water  District.    David  Armstrong  seconded  the
                              motion.  The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the board members.

                       D.     Status  Report  on  the  Preparation  of  a  Logo  for  the  Yucaipa  Groundwater
                              Sustainability Agency

                              This agenda item was continued to the June 27, 2018 meeting.

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