Page 5 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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III. Public Comments - There were no public comments.
IV. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Approval of Meeting Minutes of August 29, 2018
David Armstrong moved to approve the meeting minutes.
Ray Casey seconded the motion.
Motion to approve the August 29, 2018 meeting
minutes. Abstain Absent
Yes No
South Mesa Water Company ✓
South Mountain Water Company ✓
Western Heights Water Company ✓
Yucaipa Valley Water District ✓
City of Calimesa ✓
City of Redlands ✓
City of Yucaipa ✓
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District ✓
San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency ✓
The Board of Directors approved the motion.
V. Presentation
A. Overview of a Proposed Detention Basin by the City of Calimesa as Regional
Water Management Project
Lori Askew provided an overview of the Calimesa Creek Improvement Project
located south of County Line Road. The proposed project is estimated to cost
$3.9 million to $8.2 million.
VI. Discussion Items
A. Discussion regarding anticipated financial participation for Yucaipa SGMA
member agencies through June 30, 2020
The board members discussed the need for financial assistance from the San
Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District to fund: (1) the preparation of the
Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa SGMA; and (2) to exclude the
U.S. Geological Survey costs from the Proposition 1 grant. The board members
agreed that it would be reasonable for the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water
District would pay for the U.S. Geological Survey model development up to the
point that the model is released for use in its final form and to distribute the
Proposition 1 grant as follows:
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - October 24, 2018 - Page 5 of 14