Page 7 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 7

Jeff  Davis  discussed  the  correspondence  from  the  San  Gorgonio  Pass  Water
                              Agency regarding modifications to the bylaws to allow other representatives from
                              each member agency.

                              The board members discussed issues and concerns related to having the primary
                              representative be an elected official or consultant.

                              Following the brief discussion, Jeff Davis moved to modify the second sentence in
                              Section  1.3  of  the  bylaws  by  striking  “individuals”  and  inserting  the  phrase
                              “principal representative”.

                              David Armstrong seconded the motion.

                                   Motion to modify the bylaws as Amendment No. 1 as
                                      follows: “The individual principal representative
                                     appointed to the Yucaipa-SGMA shall be a senior
                                      executive management level employee of each          Yes   No   Abstain   Absent
                                                    designating Party.”.
                                  South Mesa Water Company                               ✓
                                  South Mountain Water Company                                        ✓
                                  Western Heights Water Company                          ✓
                                  Yucaipa Valley Water District                          ✓
                                  City of Calimesa                                                    ✓
                                  City of Redlands                                       ✓
                                  City of Yucaipa                                        ✓
                                  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District         ✓
                                  San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency                         ✓

                              The Board of Directors approved the motion.

               VII.    Topics for Future Meetings

                       The  meeting  participants  discussed  the  topics  for  future  meetings  and  requested  the
                       following items be added to a future meeting agenda:

                       A.     Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency
                              •  Presentation by the United States Geological Survey Groundwater Flow Model
                                 - Tentatively Scheduled for January 23, 2019
                              •  Presentation  by  the  City  of  Yucaipa  Regarding  the  Project  Components
                                 Necessary  to  Successfully  Complete  Stormwater  Capture  and  Recharge
                              •  Discussion Regarding Proposed Amendments to the Yucaipa SGMA Bylaws

                       B.     Technical Advisory Group
                              •  Data Collection and Compilation
                              •  Regular Meeting Dates

               VIII.   Comments by the Board of Directors - There were no comments from the board members.

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                             Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - November 14, 2018 - Page 7 of 17
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