Page 23 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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                        2.1. INVESTIGATION SITES

                       Figure 1 show the locations of the eleven investigation sites in the Yucaipa Basin for which
                       infiltration testing was completed. Site information is summarized in Table 1, including the
                       assessor’s parcel number, test basin location relative to previously‐established Yucaipa
                       Subbasin boundaries (Geoscience 2014a), regulatory jurisdiction, geographic coordinates,
                       water source, and site directions.

                       The eleven investigation sites include undeveloped parcels and storm detention
                       basins/channel reaches along Oak Glen Creek, Wilson Creek, and Wildwood Creek. Sites are
                       owned by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District (5 sites), City of Yucaipa (5 sites),
                       and South Mountain Water Company (1 site). All sites are located within an approximately
                       3‐mile radius of downtown Yucaipa, California.

                       Six investigation sites (“SBCFCD Permit Sites” in Table 1) are located within stream channels
                       (Wilson Creek, Oak Glen Creek, and Wildwood Creek) or existing storm detention basin
                       facilities under jurisdiction of SBCFCD. All six sites are located on parcels owned by SBCFCD
                       except for the Wildwood Creek Basins, which are owned by the City of Yucaipa.

                       Of the five sites not under the jurisdiction of SBCFCD, four investigation sites are owned by
                       the City of Yucaipa (Tennessee Street Basins, Chapman Heights Basins, Dunlap Channel, and
                       a parcel south of Wildwood Creek near California Street adjacent to EX‐5). One site is owned
                       by the South Mountain Water Company (adjacent to exploratory borehole EX‐7).

                        2.2. INFILTRATION TEST METHODOLOGY

                       Infiltration tests involved the temporary construction of an approximately 1,000‐square‐foot
                       (ft ) test infiltration basin, installation and connection of a flow control system (skid) to a
                       local fire hydrant to automate filling and maintenance of a constant ponded water level, and
                       monitoring of added water volumes over an approximate 2‐week testing period.

                       Testing was conducted at two investigation sites at a time, with site setup and test initiation
                       staggered one week apart. This process was repeated as needed to complete twelve
                       infiltration tests at the eleven investigation sites. The field program design provided the
                       following advantages: (1) the contractor was on a fixed weekly schedule for test basin
                       excavation, equipment mobilization/demobilization and monitoring activities, and (2)
                       materials and labor (including fire hose, manifolds, basin trees, and traffic ramps/signage)
                       were required for exactly two sites for the duration of the project.

                        Infiltration Testing at Eleven
                        Investigation Sites in the Yucaipa
                        Basin, Yucaipa Valley, CA                   4                    TODD GROUNDWATER

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