Page 10 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
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Beaumont Basin Watermaster
               2013 Reevaluation of the Beaumont Basin Safe Yield                                                                                 3-Apr-15

                    3.  Developing estimates of surface water runoff and net infiltration from precipitation using
                       a USGS surface water model of the area.
                    4.  Calibrating the groundwater flow model through December 2012.
                    5.  Reevaluating the safe yield of the Beaumont Basin Adjudicated Area using the calibrated
                       groundwater flow model.
                    6.  Preparing this report summarizing the findings.

               1.3  Safe Yield Reevaluation Approach

               The Safe Yield of the Beaumont Basin is a function of the overall water balance of the area.
               Changes in water/groundwater inflow to the basin and water/groundwater outflow from the basin
               impact  the Safe Yield.    As  groundwater  management and land use  changes impact  the water
               balance, they also impact the Safe Yield.  A generalized expression of the water balance is as

                                    Inflow – Outflow = +/- Change in Storage          (1)

               The  water balance  equation  for pre-developed  conditions  (prior to  human occupation) can be
               further expressed as:

                                    (I ss + I mfr + I pr + I str)  –  (O ss + O et) = S       (2)


                              I ss = Inflow from Subsurface Underflow

                              I mfr = Inflow from Mountain Front Recharge
                              I pr = Inflow from Areal Recharge from Precipitation

                              I str = Inflow from Infiltration from Runoff in Stream Beds
                              O ss =   Subsurface Outflow
                              O et =   Evapotranspiration

                              S = Change in Groundwater Storage

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