Page 5 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
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Mr. Dan Jaggers requested clarification on whether this is an end-of-
                              the-year tally.  Legal Counsel McCollough responded he would have to
                              look at the resolution to determine when the rights transfer, whether it
                              is an end-of-the-year or date of transfer of the overlying rights to the
                              appropriator.    Mr.  Jaggers  said  he  believes  it  is  the  end-of-the-year
                              remainder  of  allocation  after  consumption,  and  noted  this  transfer
                              request is 90.94 acre-feet, but if the overlyer’s use is greater there may
                              be a discrepancy based on the concept in the adjudication.  If use is
                              under, there may be a return to allocation.

                              Chair Vela recollected that during the discussion of the 2017 resolution,
                              Mr. Zoba recommended that the development group make a request for
                              service via a letter to YVWD, and then YVWD would forward that letter
                              to the Watermaster Committee.  At the end of the year, the accounting
                              would be summarized in the annual report.

                              Mr. Jaggers wondered whether 90.94 AF is enough for this development,
                              or if additional supply is needed, would there be an opportunity to true
                              up  the  overlyer  rights.    Mr.  McCollough  noted  that  the  resolution
                              specified what rights would be assigned to which parcel, and the request
                              would need to be trued with the resolution and the pro-rata share under
                              the new safe yield redetermination.

                              Engineer  Hannibal  Blandon  explained  the  process.    Mr.  Jaggers
                              recommended further clarification of transfers moving forward in time,
                              to maintain an accounting.  He noted that when transfers were made in
                              the past, it was by resolution.  Chairman Vela recalled that a specific
                              table to track water transfers was to be included in the annual report;
                              the intent was not to have a resolution each time, but he agreed that
                              an accounting is important.

                              Mr.  Jaggers  pointed  out  that  unused  allocation  goes  back  into  the
                              reallocation  pool  to  be  distributed  back  to  all  of  the  members  until
                              needed.    Mr. Blandon  confirmed  that whatever  is  not  produced goes
                              back  to  the  pool  for  distribution  to  appropriators.    Chairman  Vela
                              suggested agendizing this topic in the future for further discussion.

                              Mr. John Ohanian from Oak Valley Partners said he believed the original
                              thought process was that the overlyers would exchange their rights for
                              service;  that  is  what  he  is  doing  here.    YVWD  then  accepts  the
                              responsibility for water use, as the amount the District said was needed
                              had been given.  He understood that the amount of his overlyer right
                              would float with the amount of the safe yield.

               VI.     Consent Calendar

                       It  was  moved  by  Member  Jorritsma  and  seconded  by  Member  Jaggers  to
                       approve the Meeting Minutes of the following dates:

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER – COMMITTEE MINUTES 2018-03-28                          PAGE 2 of 6
                                         Beaumont Basin Watermaster - June 6, 2018 - Page 5 of 27
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