Page 11 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
P. 11

Mr.  Vela  asked  about  limitations  on  area  of  use.  Mr.  Montoya
                                     clarified that it is being transferred for water service. California
                                     law  requires  proof  of  water  rights  for  development,  not  paper
                                     water  rights.  Mr.  Jaggers  added  that  the  overlying  right  is
                                     assigned  to  certain  properties  within  the  adjudication.  Mr.
                                     Montoya specified that the overlying rights are tied to the parcels.

                                     Mr. Jaggers asked if more water is transferred to the appropriator
                                     than is provided for the development on an annual basis, does
                                     that appropriator then secure the leftover supply for their use.
                                     Mr. Montoya noted the intent of the transfer is to give all overlying
                                     rights but not all need to be used; the rights are correlative to the
                                     basin as a whole. Only what is going to be serviced back to the
                                     parcel would transfer to the appropriator.
                                     Mr.  Montoya  identified  the  difference  as  a  delta  which  is  a
                                     correlative right and could be arguably used by other parties. In
                                     the case of a decrease in safe yield, the overlying right would
                                     decrease,  and  so  would  the  appropriative  right,  as  the
                                     appropriator is only taking the amount of water forgone by the
                                     Thus is not true of an increase; overlying rights holders would not
                                     have an increase in their rights. By transfer, the right is intended
                                     to be fully divested from the property and becomes appropriative.
                                     The appropriative rights holder would not have the benefit of the
                                     increase in yield because the rights are correlative and are for the
                                     benefit of everyone.

                                     The Watermaster would have to look at the judgment and clarify
                                     the issue: the overlying party would not enjoy benefit of increased
                                     safe yield, as that is inconsistent with correlative rights law.

                                     Chair Vela suggested investigating this further for the purposes
                                     of accounting and tracking.

                                     Mr. Montoya continued, in response to Mr. Jaggers: the overlying
                                     water  rights  holder  has  forgone  its  overlying  right  and  it  has
                                     become appropriative only to the extent that the appropriator is
                                     providing that water back for use on a particular overlying parcel.
                                     The overlyer might still have overlying rights for what is not being
                                     used.  Mr.  Jaggers  asked  if  that  goes  back  into  the  pool  to  be
                                     redistributed;  Mr.  Montoya  replied  it  could;  but  if  the  overlyer
                                     wants water service for only a fraction of the overlying rights, the
                                     overlying right remains in the ownership of the overlyer, unused.
                                     If unused, pursuant to the judgment, it would be redistributed.
                                     Mr.  Jorritsma  asked  if  an  appropriator  takes  over  additional
                                     properties  would  the  percentages  allotted  in  the  judgment
                                     change; Mr. Montoya said it would not.

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                                        Beaumont Basin Watermaster - August 1, 2018 - Page 11 of 31
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