Page 7 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
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lots) Pursuant to Beaumont Basin Watermaster Resolution No. 2017-

                                Mr.  Zoba indicated this correspondence has been  before the
                                Committee previously. No action is required.

               VI.     Consent Calendar

                       It was  moved by  Member Jakher and seconded by Member Jorritsma to
                       approve the Meeting Minutes of the following dates:

                              1.     Meeting Minutes for June 6, 2018

                               AYES:                  Jaggers, Jakher, Jorritsma, Vela, Zoba
                               NOES:                  None.
                               ABSTAIN:               None.
                               ABSENT:                None.
                               STATUS:                Motion Approved

              VII.     Reports

                       A.     Report from Engineering Consultant – Tom Harder, ALDA Engineering

                              Mr. Harder presented a  Powerpoint on  Developing Methodology  to
                              Account for Return Flow Recharge. He pointed out that return flow is
                              included in the water budget for the Beaumont Basin and is part of the
                              safe yield. He addressed the interest in crediting return flow that occurs
                              on overlying appropriator service areas to the appropriators; a parcel-
                              by-parcel estimate would need to be made.

                              Mr. Harder also presented information on basin losses.

                              Mr. Harder reported on comment received regarding the report on basin
                              losses. The City of Banning asked about recharge, and Mr. Harder noted
                              the  bulk water in question  recharged  at the Noble Creek facility  is
                              accounted for in the model; recharge elsewhere in the basin is not. The
                              purpose of the memo was to provide a magnitude of losses and what
                              affects losses, then develop a method to account for the loss. Additional
                              analysis can be done.

                              Another question, stated Mr. Harder, was whether irrigation return flows
                              should be accounted for and if it impacts losses. He said they should,
                              but they are minor. As return flows increase in the basin, those losses
                              will increase.

                              The final question, Mr. Harder noted, was regarding wells outside the
                              adjudicated area and whether those affect  the  losses. There is some
                              hydrologic separation between the  Beaumont Basin and the  Banning

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER – COMMITTEE MINUTES 2018-08-01                          PAGE 2 OF 7

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