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Basin but losses are affected by a combination of activities on either side
                              including  increased pumping. To limit losses  may  involve  some

                              Mr. Harder indicated he would like to  finalize the Tech  Memo and
                              reminded everyone about submitting comments.

                              Mr. Jaggers reiterated that activities could be tailored to minimize
                              losses: how much to recharge, how conjunctive use is done, and how
                              pumping is managed. BCVWD has the ability to pump and  deliver  to
                              other areas including Banning, and in the future to Yucaipa, to minimize
                              losses. He said he views the Tech Memo as a general view of the basin
                              and tool to assist agencies in tuning their activities to minimize loss and
                              monitor it over time. He noted that  too much recharge in  one spot
                              creates a condition of loss.

                              Chairman Vela indicated future discussion would be needed on what is
                              to be done and how to implement.

                              Engineer Blandon added that at this point, monitoring wells are lacking
                              in  key locations, and at  some point,  more will be needed  to better
                              understand the loss.

                       B.     Report from Legal Counsel – Thierry Montoya, Alvarado Smith

                              Legal Counsel Thierry Montoya advised that a court hearing is set on
                              September 17 for the appointment of BCVWD’s alternate member, Mark

                              Mr.  Montoya reported that  counsel has researched the transfer of
                              overlying rights to an appropriator. As a matter of the agreement, and
                              of law, the overlying right  is culminated then switched to an
                              appropriative  right. Counsel looked  at the  concept of  when the
                              appropriative right “perfects,” and becomes an appropriative right put
                              to beneficial use  for that party, it would not be  subject  to another
                              appropriator’s claims for all or a portion of the former overlying right
                              because of non-use.

             VIII.     Discussion Items

                       A.     Status  Report on Water Level Monitoring throughout the  Beaumont
                              Basin through July 24, 2018

                                     Recommendation:  No recommendation.

                              Engineer Hannibal Blandon reported that 14 wells are currently being
                              monitored. New wells are being sought in the central western portion of

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER – COMMITTEE MINUTES 2018-08-01                          PAGE 3 OF 7

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