Page 14 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
P. 14


                                          MEMORANDUM NO. 19-05

               Date:                    March 6, 2019

               From:                    Thierry Montoya, Legal Counsel

               Subject:                 Discussion  Regarding  Draft  Resolution  No.  2019-01  Amending
                                        the Judgment at the Riverside Superior Court’s Request to Correct
                                        a Clerical Error - An Incorrect Reference to “8,610 Acre Feet” on
                                        Judgment, Page 7, Line 26 - Correcting Such to “8,650 Acre Feet”

               Recommendation:          That the Watermaster Committee adopt Resolution No. 2019-01.

               The  Riverside  Superior  Court  maintains  jurisdiction  over  the  Beaumont  Basin  via  the
               Stipulation for Judgment and the Stipulated Judgment on file with the Court.  At a recent
               status conference hearing, the Hon. Judge Reimer of Department 5, which is assigned to
               the Judgment, noted a clerical error in our Judgment denominating the total amount of
               overlying rights at 8210 acre-feet which is incorrect, and a handwritten strike-out and
               handwritten  reference to the correct amount of overlying rights:  8650 acre-feet.  The
               handwritten note is not initialed or affirmed in any way.

               His Honor requests that the Judgment be “amended” to correct this clerical error and to
               maintain the integrity of the pleadings.

               Attached for the Board’s review is the Resolution with the order to correct and the draft
               Amended Judgment making the correction.

               This  item  was  intended  to  be  included  in  the  February  6,  2019  packet,  but  was
               unintentionally omitted from the prior meeting packet.

                                        Beaumont Basin Watermaster - March 6, 2019 - Page 14 of 42
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