Page 11 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
P. 11

Lewis shared the long-term trends and changes in groundwater levels
                              from December 2017 to December 2018. On the western side there was
                              a decline of one to five feet; on the eastern side there was an increase
                              of one to five feet. Mr. Jaggers pointed out that the model considered a
                              certain amount of recharge, and BCVWD has added substantially more.

                              Water quality data is garnered from the California Department of Public
                              Health and the Beaumont Basin Management Zone Maximum Benefit
                              Report  by  Dudek,  Blandon  explained.  The  Dudek  data  will  be
                              incorporated  when  available  later  this  month.  Over  the  five-year
                              analysis,  none  of  the  primary  state  and  federal  standards  were
                              exceeded. Overall, the water quality is very good, he concluded.

                              The recommendation for a policy to account for groundwater storage
                              losses is being carried forward from previous reports. In 2018, a study
                              was conducted on basin storage to estimate how much water is lost
                              based on imported water spreading activities, which may be used to
                              develop a policy. Also suggested is a process to assure accuracy and
                              consistency  of  data  reporting,  such  as  regular  calibration  and
                              maintenance of water meters.

                              Mr. Blandon indicated he would incorporate comments from BCVWD and
                              YVWD in the next draft.

                 IX.  Topics for Future Meetings

                            A.  Development of a methodology and policy to account for new yield
                                from capturing local stormwater in the basin

                            B.  Development of a methodology and policy to account for groundwater
                                storage losses in the basin resulting from the spreading of additional
                                water sources

                            C.  Development  of  a  methodology  and  policy  to  account  for  recycled
                                water recharge

                            D.  Develop a protocol to increase the accuracy and consistency of data
                                reported to the Watermaster

                            E.  Develop a policy to account for transfers of water that may result when
                                an Appropriator provides water service to an Overlying Party
                            F.  Discussion of Overlyer return flow credit and how it might be managed

                  X.  Comments from the Watermaster Committee Members

                       Member Zoba commented that he appreciates the dialogue. The Committee
                       has been at this for 15 years, he said, and he appreciates working together.
                       There is a new percolation test and monitoring wells going in off Singleton near

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER COMMITTEE - MINUTES 2019-02-06                          PAGE 8 OF 9

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