Page 8 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
P. 8

Blandon explained the 25-year historical precipitation chart from 1994-
                              2018,  showing  an  average  of  14.3  inches.  Looking  at  the  last  eight
                              years,  average  precipitation  is  below  the  25-year  average.  This  is
                              almost 3 inches lower than the 100-year average of 17 inches. He said
                              he hopes this year the curve will begin bending to the positive side.

                              He pointed out the total 2018 production for each appropriator, totaling
                              more than 15,000 acre-feet. This is the third highest production year
                              since inception of the judgment, and about 2,000 acre-feet higher than
                              the 2014 – 2018 five-year average.

                              Mr. Blandon pointed out that Oak Valley Golf and Resort used 85 percent
                              of their overlying water rights, followed by Plantation on the Lake at 85
                              percent over the last five years. None of the large producers are close
                              to their limits. Between 2014 and 2018, production averaged 2,100 ace-
                              feet, or approximately 32 percent of overlying right. Numbers reported
                              by Plantation on the Lake in previous years were inaccurate. The 2018
                              report shows the corrected data.

                              Engineer  Blandon  drew  attention  to  the  comparison  of  annual
                              production  by  overlying  users  and  appropriators.  He  pointed  out
                              significant changes in 2014 as a result of the reevaluation of the basin
                              safe yield, and in 2018 due to the transfer of overlying rights from Oak
                              Valley to YVWD.

                              For recharge, Blandon noted, in 2018 the City of Banning spread 600
                              acre-feet, and BCVWD spread over 12,000 acre-feet. Overall, since the
                              inception  of  the  judgment,  close  to  98,000  acre-feet  has  been
                              recharged to the basin, he stated.

                              Blandon explained the current status of water rights and pointed out
                              that 180.4 acre-feet of overlying rights was transferred to appropriative
                              rights of YVWD under Resolution 2017-02.

                              Engineer  Blandon  explained  a  chart  showing  the  6,365  acre-feet  of
                              under-production  of  2013  is  being  transferred  to  2018  and  divided
                              among  the  appropriators.  Blandon  gave  a  review  of  storage  account
                              balances, increasing by 4,140 acre-feet in 2018.

                              Wastewater discharges continue to increase as the area continues to
                              develop, Blandon explained.

                              Mr. Jaggers provided a handout with a downward revision of some of
                              the numbers related to BCWVD’s storage account and production. Mr.
                              Jaggers detailed some additional numeral discrepancies.

                              He pointed to the overlyer transfer to appropriator and said he believes
                              there is still a struggle with how that vehicle moves forward in time.

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER COMMITTEE - MINUTES 2019-02-06                          PAGE 5 OF 9

                                        Beaumont Basin Watermaster - March 6, 2019 - Page 8 of 42
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