Page 6 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
P. 6

It was moved by Member Zoba and seconded by Member Warsinski to
                              adopt Resolution 2019-01.
                               AYES:                  Jaggers, Jorritsma, Vela, Warsinski, Zoba
                               NOES:                  None.
                               ABSTAIN:               None.
                               ABSENT:                None.
                               STATUS:                Motion Approved

                       B.     Discussion  Regarding  the  2018  Draft  Annual  Report  and  Review  of
                              Comments Received by the Consultant.

                                     Recommendation: Pending.

                              Engineer Blandon indicated that comments were received and he noted
                              some corrections that will be incorporated into a final report.

                              Blandon indicated he would address policies to address certain issues
                              including  transfer  of  overlying  water  rights  to  appropriators,  and
                              accounting for groundwater losses.

                              A  study  was  completed  last  year  identifying  certain  losses  from  the
                              Basin  depending  on  where  imported  water  is  recharged.  The  report
                              concluded that a significant amount of groundwater is lost. The means
                              of follow up and implementation remain in question, Blandon said.

                              A study regarding accounting for return flows will be completed by mid-
                              2019,  Blandon  noted.  The  Watermaster  may  consider  a  policy  to
                              account for the return flows when the time comes.

                              Blandon  reminded  the  Committee  about  amendments  to  storage
                              agreements  adding  storage  capacity  to  total  260,000  acre  feet.  The
                              individual agreements may not have been amended to reflect current
                              storage limits, and he advised future discussion.

                              Chair Vela indicated that the suggestions were made to include these
                              items in the report for tracking purposes. Mr. Jaggers noted there are
                              many things to work out such as forms that are indicated in the Rules
                              and Regulations but are not readily available and he wondered whether
                              letters to overlyers regarding the adjustments of their rights in 2013
                              were sent. He suggested the Rules and Regulations need work to focus
                              on these activities and others. BCVWD believes it appropriate to form
                              an  ad  hoc  committee  to  bring  the  rules  current  to  today’s  basin

                              Mr.  Blandon  noted  that  the  issue  of  transfer  of  overlying  rights  to
                              appropriators was discussed a number of times during 2018 with no

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER COMMITTEE - MINUTES 2019-03-06                          PAGE 3 OF 8

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