Page 135 - Yucaipa Valley Water District
P. 135

January 2016

        Conjunctive Use - The coordinated management of surface water and groundwater supplies to maximize the
        yield of the overall water resource.  Active conjunctive use uses artificial recharge, where surface water  is
        intentionally percolated or injected into aquifers for later use.  Passive conjunctive use is to simply rely on surface
        water in wet years and use groundwater in dry years.
        Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) - see Annual Water Quality Report.
        Cross-Connection - The actual or potential connection between a potable water supply and a non-potable
        source, where it is possible for a contaminant to enter the drinking water supply.
        Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) - The category of compounds formed when disinfectants in water systems
        react with natural organic matter present in the source water supplies.  Different disinfectants produce different
        types or amounts of disinfection byproducts. Disinfection byproducts for which regulations have been established
        have been identified in drinking water, including trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, bromate, and chlorite

        Drought - a period of below average rainfall causing water supply shortages.
        Dry Weather Flow – Flow in a sanitary sewer during periods of dry weather in which the sanitary sewer is under
        minimum influence of inflow and infiltration.

        Fire Flow - The ability to have a sufficient quantity of water available to the distribution system to be delivered
        through fire hydrants or private fire sprinkler systems.

        Gallons per Capita per Day (GPCD) - A measurement of the average number of gallons of water use by the
        number of people served each day in a water system. The calculation is made by dividing the total gallons of
        water used each day by the total number of people using the water system.
        Groundwater Basin - An underground body of water or aquifer defined by physical boundaries.

        Groundwater Recharge - The process of placing water in an aquifer.  Can be a naturally occurring process or
        artificially enhanced.
        Hard Water - Water having a high concentration of minerals, typically calcium and magnesium ions.

        Hydrologic Cycle - The process of evaporation of water into the air  and its return to earth  in the form  of
        precipitation (rain or snow).  This process also includes transpiration from plants, percolation into the ground,
        groundwater movement, and runoff into rivers, streams and the ocean; see Water cycle.
        Infiltration – Water other than sewage that enters a sewer system and/or building laterals from the ground
        through defective pipes, pipe joints, connections, or manholes.  Infiltration does not include inflow.  See Inflow.
        Inflow - Water other than sewage that enters a sewer system and building sewer from sources such as roof
        vents, yard drains, area drains, foundation drains, drains from springs and swampy areas, manhole covers, cross
        connections between storm drains and sanitary sewers, catch basins, cooling towers, storm waters, surface
        runoff, street wash waters, or drainage.  Inflow does not include infiltration.  See Infiltration.
        Inflow / Infiltration (I/I) – The total quantity of water from both inflow and infiltration.
        Mains, Distribution - A network of pipelines that delivers water (drinking water or recycled water) from
        transmission mains to residential and commercial properties, usually pipe diameters of 4" to 16".
        Mains, Transmission - A system of pipelines that deliver water (drinking water or recycled water) from a source
        of supply the distribution mains, usually pipe diameters of greater than 16".
        Meter - A device capable of measuring, in either gallons or cubic feet, a quantity of water delivered by the District
        to a service connection.
        Overdraft - The pumping of water from a groundwater basin or aquifer in excess of the supply flowing into the
        basin. This pumping results in a depletion of the groundwater in the basin which has a net effect of lowering the
        levels of water in the aquifer.
        Peak Flow – The maximum flow that occurs over a specific length of time (e.g., daily, hourly, instantaneously).
        Pipeline -  Connected piping that carries water, oil or other liquids.  See  Mains, Distribution and Mains,

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