Page 137 - Yucaipa Valley Water District
P. 137
January 2016
Urban Runoff - Water from city streets and domestic properties that typically carries pollutants into the storm
drains, rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Valve - A device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of water by opening, closing or partially obstructing
various passageways.
Wastewater – Any water that enters the sanitary sewer.
Water Banking - The practice of actively storing or exchanging in-lieu surface water supplies in available
groundwater basin storage space for later extraction and use by the storing party or for sale or exchange to a
third party. Water may be banked as an independent operation or as part of a conjunctive use program.
Water cycle - The continuous movement water from the earth's surface to the atmosphere and back again; see
Hydrologic cycle.
Water Pressure - Pressure created by the weight and elevation of water and/or generated by pumps that deliver
water to the tap.
Water Service Line - The pipeline that delivers potable water to a residence or business from the District's water
system. Typically the water service line is a 1” to 1½” diameter pipe for residential properties.
Watershed - A region or land area that contributes to the drainage or catchment area above a specific point on
a stream or river.
Water Table - The upper surface of the zone of saturation of groundwater in an unconfined aquifer.
Water Transfer - A transaction, in which a holder of a water right or entitlement voluntarily sells/exchanges to a
willing buyer the right to use all or a portion of the water under that water right or entitlement.
Water Well - A hole drilled into the ground to tap an underground water aquifer.
Wetlands - Lands which are fully saturated or under water at least part of the year, like seasonal vernal pools
or swamps.
Wet Weather Flow – Dry weather flow combined with stormwater introduced into a combined sewer system,
and dry weather flow combined with infiltration/inflow into a separate sewer system.
Yucaipa Valley Water District - May 30, 2017 - Page 137 of 138