Page 7 - Yucaipa Valley Water District
P. 7

DM 19-003                   Chief Financial Officer Allison Edmisten discussed Resolution
                                            No. 2019-03 approving an investment policy and appointment of
                DISCUSSION                  the General Manager as the District investment officer.
                REGARDING THE
                ADOPTION OF                 Director Bruce Granlund moved that the Board adopt Resolution
                RESOLUTION NO.              No. 2019-03.  Director Lonni Granlund seconded the motion.
                2019-03 APPROVING
                AN INVESTMENT               The motion was approved by the following vote:
                POLICY AND                         Director Chris Mann - Yes
                APPOINTMENT OF THE                 Director Bruce Granlund - Yes
                GENERAL MANAGER                    Director Lonni Granlund - Yes
                AS THE DISTRICT                    Director Jay Bogh - Yes
                INVESTMENT OFFICER                 Director Joyce McIntire - Yes

                DM 19-004                   Chief Financial Officer Allison Edmisten discussed the updated
                                            percentages for monthly unaudited financial reports.
                REGARDING THE USE           Director Joyce McIntire moved that by minute order, the Board
                OF UPDATED                  direct District staff to utilize revised percentages for tracking
                PERCENTAGES FOR             revenues and expenses throughout the fiscal year in future
                MONTHLY UNAUDITED           unaudited financial reports.  Director Lonni Granlund seconded
                FINANCIAL REPORTS           the motion.

                                            The motion was approved by the following vote:
                                                   Director Chris Mann - Yes
                                                   Director Bruce Granlund - Yes
                                                   Director Lonni Granlund - Yes
                                                   Director Jay Bogh - Yes
                                                   Director Joyce McIntire - Yes

                DM 19-005                   Chief Financial Officer Allison Edmisten presented the
                                            Continuing Disclosure Annual Report (CDAR).
                PRESENTATION OF
                THE CONTINUING              Director Bruce Granlund moved that the Board receive and file
                DISCLOSURE ANNUAL           the Continuing Disclosure Annual Report (CDAR).  Director
                REPORT (CDAR)               Lonni Granlund seconded the motion.

                                            The motion was approved by the following vote:
                                                   Director Chris Mann - Yes
                                                   Director Bruce Granlund - Yes
                                                   Director Lonni Granlund - Yes
                                                   Director Jay Bogh - Yes
                                                   Director Joyce McIntire - Yes

               Yucaipa Valley Water District                                                        Page 3 of 7
                                        Yucaipa Valley Water District - February 5, 2019 - Page 7 of 74
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