Page 133 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 133
Drewelow Remediation Equipment, Inc.
Yucaipa Project
Date 11/28/2016, revised 11/29/2016
Proposal Number 2010R1
Proposal Prepared For Ed Lin
Client Todd Groundwater
Client Address 2490 mariner Square Loop, Suite 215, Alameda, CA 94501
Project Location Multi Site Project in Yucaipa Area
Project Power No power
NET30 - bill on a time and materials basis for onsite work. Work day 8 hours onsite time. After 8 hours
Payment Terms
time and a half applies.
Delivery Schedule Site setups on Tuesdays. Site demobilization on Monday's. Additional weekly site visit on Thursday's
Supply labor and materials to: dig 30 foot x 30 foot x 5 foot deep basin, install Basin tree, connect basin
tree to manifold, connect manifold to source of water, connect tank to back flow preventer (provided by
Project Description others) Fill basin with water, fill tank with water. Monitor in flow of water on first day. Return to site and
demob equipment after 13 days of operation (scheduled Monday's). Fill in basin and restore surface to
match. Each location to be protected by temporary free standing fence.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide the following proposal for your project. The following assumptions were made during the preparation
of this proposal.
The Client shall complete the following tasks:
1. Provide access to each site. Terrain shall be graded to allow travel by pickup trucks and large delivery trucks
2. Supply and install back flow preventer at nearest fire hydrant to each basin locations
3. Pay for water used during tests
4. Obtain any required permits from city, county or state agencies
5. Create field data sheets for documentation of water meter readings and pressure gauge readings
Drewelow shall complete the following tasks:
1. Dig basin
2. Setup basin tree, manifold and tank (tank is optional item, used only if we can not maintain a continuous connection to fire hydrant
3. Run pipeline from back flow preventer to manifold or tank (setup is site specific. Use of tank is site specific)
4. Fill basin with water to 3 feet deep.
5. Open manifold valves and allow float valves to automatically maintain water level.
6. Monitor operation of equipment and collect data from flow meters.
7. Visit site - second site visit each week to check operation of equipment and to collect data.
If you have any questions regarding this proposal please contact me at your leisure.
David Drewelow
Drewelow Remediation Equipment, Inc.
Office: (760) 546-6456 Cell: (760) 715-8912
1523 Sterling Court Escondido, CA 92029 Phone: 760-546-6456 Fax: 760-546-6476
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 129 of 226