Page 87 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 87
A. Describe impacts to the bed, channel, and bank of the river, stream, or lake, and the associated riparian habitat.
Specify the dimensions of the modifications in length (linear feet) and area (square feet or acres) and the type and
volume of material (cubic yards) that will be moved, displaced, or otherwise disturbed, if applicable.
□ Continued on additional page(s)
B. Will the project affect any vegetation? □ Yes (Complete the tables below) □ No
Vegetation Type Temporary Impact Permanent Impact
Linear feet: _________________ Linear feet: _________________
Total area: _________________ Total area: _________________
Linear feet: _________________ Linear feet: _________________
Total area: _________________ Total area: _________________
Tree Species Number of Trees to be Removed Trunk Diameter (range)
□ Continued on additional page(s)
C. Are any special status animal or plant species, or habitat that could support such species, known to be present on or
near the project site?
□ Yes (List each species and/or describe the habitat below) □ No □ Unknown
□ Continued on additional page(s)
D. Identify the source(s) of information that supports a “yes” or “no” answer above in Box 11.C.
□ Continued on additional page(s)
E. Has a biological study been completed for the project site?
□ Yes (Enclose the biological study) □ No
Note: A biological assessment or study may be required to evaluate potential project impacts on biological resources.
F. Has a hydrological study been completed for the project or project site?
□ Yes (Enclose the hydrological study) □ No
Note: A hydrological study or other information on site hydraulics (e.g., flows, channel characteristics, and/or flood
recurrence intervals) may be required to evaluate potential project impacts on hydrology.
FG2023 Page 6 of 9 Rev. 1/13
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 83 of 226