Page 168 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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The summary table below presents groundwater management projects from 1994 up to the present.
               Because of our SGMA planning activities for other listed water agencies (including successful applications
               for grant funding), we soon will be engaged in preparation of multiple GSPs. This means that we will be
               able to provide Yucaipa GSA with up-to-date working knowledge and experience; this is crucial, given that
               SGMA is a new law and many agencies are exploring how to prepare GSPs and achieve sustainability.

                         Todd SGMA Support and Groundwater Management Experience

                      Project                    Client                                Applicability
                 GSP Preparation,   Cawelo Water District GSA         GSP preparation and coordination with other
                 2018-                                                GSPs
                 SGMA Support,     San Benito County Water District   GSA formation, GSP planning, boundary
                 GSP, 2016-        GSA                                modification, grant application, GSP preparation

                 GSP Support,      Bedford-Coldwater Basin GSA        Data compilation for GSP preparation
                 SGMA Support,     City of Paso Robles                GSP planning
                 GSP Preparation,   Kern River GSA                    GSP planning and preparation
                 SGMA Support,     City of Modesto/ Stanislaus        Planning for GSP preparation, application for
                 GSP, 2017-        Tuolumne Rivers Groundwater Basin  SGMA Grant, GSP initiation
                                   Association GSA
                 SGMA Support,     West Turlock Subbasin GSA          Application for SGMA Grant with GSP work plan,
                 GSP, 2017-                                           GSP preparation
                 SGMA Support,     City of Corona/Temescal Subbasin   GSP planning, boundary modification, grant
                 2015-             GSA                                application
                 Alternative Plan   Alameda County Water District     Preparation of responses to comments, SGMA
                 Responses, 2017                                      Alternative Plan
                 Alternative Plan   Zone 7 Water Agency               Preparation of SGMA Alternative Plan
                 Preparation, 2016

                 GWMP, 2015        City of East Palo Alto             Preparation of Groundwater Management Plan
                 GWMP Update,      Kern Delta Water District          Preparation of Groundwater Management Plan

                 GWMP, 2012        Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency   Preparation of Groundwater Management Plan
                 GWMP, 2008        City of Corona                     Preparation of Groundwater Management Plan
                 GWMP, 2007        Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water       Preparation of Groundwater Management Plan
                                   Storage District

                 GWMP Update,      San Benito County Water District   Preparation of Groundwater Management Plan
                 GWMP, 2002        Madera County                      Preparation of Groundwater Management Plan
                 GWMP, 1994        Scotts Valley Water District       Preparation of Groundwater Management Plan

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