Page 172 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Relevant Experience: Groundwater Sustainability Plan
Preparation of Groundwater Cawelo Water District GSA, Kern County
Sustainability Plan
Coordination with other GSAs and GSPs The Cawelo Water District has formed a Groundwater
in a critically‐overdrafted basin Sustainability Agency (GSA) in the high‐priority and critically‐
overdrafted Kern County Groundwater Subbasin. The
Active Dates: Jan 2018‐present
Cawelo GSA is one of 18 members of the Kern Groundwater
Budget: $484,000
Authority (KGA), which is coordinating regional
Reference: Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) efforts for its
Mr. David Hampton members. Because the basin is critically overdrafted, local
Assistant General Manager GSPs must be completed by 2020.
Cawelo Water District
661.393.6072 While collaborating with KGA, Cawelo GSA is building on its decades of active water management. This management
includes development of a unique and diversified water
Key Staff:
portfolio including groundwater, imported water from the
Mike Maley, Phyllis Stanin, Iris Priestaf, State Water Project, local surface water from Poso Creek,
Amber Ritchie
and produced water that is treated and delivered to CWD
from nearby oil field operations. Cawelo has also developed
a Groundwater Management Plan and Agricultural Water Management Plan, and has been active in the
Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program.
Todd Groundwater is assisting the GSA in preparing a GSP that complies with GSP regulations, makes best
use of existing local data and management programs, establishes meaningful sustainability criteria and
management actions for Cawelo, and coordinates with other KGA members and adjacent GSAs.
Recognizing the challenging deadline, Todd Groundwater is moving ahead with the GSP preparation and
already has prepared draft GSP chapters documenting the GSA and describing the Plan Area; preparation
of other chapters is underway. In addition, Todd Groundwater is moving ahead with numerical modeling,
utilizing Todd Groundwater’s regional contract to update the DWR’s integrated California Central Valley
Groundwater‐Surface Water Simulation Model (C2VSim) for application to Kern Subbasin GSPs.
Mike Maley is Project Manager and Lead Groundwater Modeler and is supported by Phyllis Stanin
(Principal in Charge), Iris Priestaf and Amber Ritchie (preparation of specific sections of the GSP).
C2VSim numerical computer model grid in Kern County Subbasin
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 169 of 208