Page 174 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Groundwater Sustainability Plan
                 Relevant Experience:
                                                        Kern River GSA, Kern County
                  SGMA planning
                  Technical support for agency         The  Kern  River  Groundwater  Sustainability  Agency  (GSA)
                   collaboration and GSA formation      (KRGSA) was the one of the first GSAs to form in the high‐
                                                        priority  Kern  County  Groundwater  Subbasin  (5‐22.14),
                  Preparation of Groundwater
                   Sustainability Plan                  where  more  than  50  water  and  irrigation  districts,
                                                        municipalities,  water  storage  districts,  the  County,  other
                 Active Dates: 2016‐present
                                                        local  agencies,  and  mutual  water  companies  rely  on  the
                 Budget: $360,000                       shared  groundwater  resources.  The  KRGSA  was  formed
                                                        through  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  among  Kern
                                                        Delta  Water  District,  the  City  of  Bakersfield,  and  the
                 Mr. Mark Mulkay
                 General Manager                        Improvement District No. 4 of Kern County Water Agency.
                 Kern Delta Water District              The proactive actions of the KRGSA have allowed the early
                 661.834.4656                           formation of a governance structure and initial steps toward
                          preparation  of  a  Groundwater  Sustainability  Plan  (GSP),
                                                        which must be completed in early 2020. Todd Groundwater,
                 Key Todd Staff:
                                                        the technical consultant for the KRGSA, is preparing the GSP.
                 Phyllis Stanin, Mike Maley, Iris Priestaf,
                 and Chad Taylor                        Todd Groundwater’s approach is to develop a technically‐
                                                        credible  GSP  guided  by  the  GSP  regulations,  reliant  on
               existing data and analyses to the extent practical, and based on locally‐appropriate best management
               practices  (BMPS)  for  groundwater  management.  Todd  is  building  on  existing  management  planning
               documents and foundational data sets and applying locally developed numerical models (the Kern Delta
               Water District Superposition Model) along with C2VSIM, the regional model of the California Central
               Valley developed by DWR. Todd Groundwater is preparing GSP chapters for submittal to the KRGSA,
               including documentation the GSA, Plan Area, basin setting, and definition of minimum thresholds and
               measurable objectives. Management actions and projects are being defined within the context of overall
               conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater,
               and  adaptive  management.  Todd  Groundwater  is
               also supporting GSP stakeholder collaboration and
               public  outreach  efforts  through  preparation  of
               technical  fact  sheets  for  public  distribution  and
               agenda items for GSA meetings.
               Phyllis Stanin serves as the Project Manager and is
               supported by Mike Maley (lead groundwater flow
               modeler) and Iris Priestaf (technical oversight and
               specific GSP chapter development) and Chad Taylor
               (hydrogeologic  conceptual  model  and  monitoring
               plan GSP chapter development).

                                                                                  TODD GROUNDWATER

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