Page 178 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Relevant Experience                    Debris Management Improvement and Design for
                Developing diversion systems for   Mill Creek Diversion, San Bernardino Valley Water
                 recharge facilities                Conservation District, San Bernardino County
                Design development for improved
                 efficiency in operation and        CWE developed design plans for a modified diversion system that
                 maintenance of off‐channel basin   redirects debris and sediment while allowing flows to be routed to
                 diversion system                   the  existing  spreading  grounds.  The  project  involved  hydraulic
                Local experience with drainage     modeling;   Plans,   Specifications,   and   Estimates   (PS&Es)
                 modification design, permitting, and   development; and permitting support for the development of an
                 cost estimation
                                                    improved  water  diversion  system  for  the  Mill  Creek  Spreading
             Active Dates: 2015 ‐ 2017              Grounds to reduce and prevent debris from accumulating at the
             Budget: $400,000                       diversion  gate.   Tasks  included:  developing  project  concepts,
                                                    schematic  design  drawings,  and  preliminary  cost  estimates  for
                                                    three  alternative  concepts;  evaluating  the  performance  and
             Mr. Daniel B. Cozad                    maintenance  characteristics  of  the  conceptual  alternatives;
             General Manager                        determining the most cost‐effective and maintainable design for
             San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation
             District                               the  diversion  system;  analyzing  existing  conditions  for  flow
             909.793.2503                           depths,  velocities,  debris  accumulation,  and  long‐term  channel
                   sedimentation trends; calculating the hydrostatic, hydrodynamic,
                                                    and  debris  impact  loads  for  the  5‐,  10‐,  25‐,  50‐,  and  100‐year
             Key CWE Staff:
                                                    storms; and identifying required permits.
             Ben Willardson


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