Page 177 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Palm Desert Aquifer Recharge Facility Study,
             Relevant Experience:
                                                        Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD),
              Characterized groundwater level and water
               quality conditions                       Riverside County
              Evaluated infiltration test results and   CVWD  is  responsible  for  management  of  groundwater
               assessed recharge capacities
                                                        resources across the Coachella Valley Groundwater Basin. Todd
              Prepared conceptual recharge facility design   Groundwater  was  retained  to  assist  CVWD  in  evaluating  the
               and engineering cost estimates           feasibility of recharging up to 40,000 acre‐feet per year (AFY) of
              Constructed MODFLOW/MT3D model,          Colorado River Water (CRW) at its Palm Desert property and in
               simulated future recharge and recovery   the adjacent Whitewater River Storm Channel. The purpose is
               operations, and assessed groundwater flow   to  help  mitigate  historical  groundwater  level  declines  and
               and quality changes                      improve  groundwater  quality  primarily  within  the  West
             Active Dates: Mar 2016 – Dec 2016          Whitewater  River  Subbasin  Area  of  Benefit,  equivalent  to  a
                                                        SGMA‐defined management area.
             Budget: $168,000
             Reference:                                 Todd  Groundwater  designed  and  completed  the  recharge
                                                        feasibility  study  that  included  (1)  construction  of  a  local
             Mr. Steve Bigley
             Director of Environmental Services         MODFLOW/MT3D  groundwater  flow  and  solute  transport
             Coachella Valley Water District            model to predict future dynamic water level and water quality
             760.398.2651                               impacts  from  CRW  recharge  (2)  development  of  concept
                              recharge facility designs and cost analyses (by project teaming
             Key Todd Staff:                            partner,  CWE),  and  (3)  evaluation  of  regulatory  permitting
                                                        requirements  for  re‐purposing  secondary  effluent  discharge
             Edwin Lin, Amber Ritchie
                                                        basins  as  recharge  basins  at  the  CVWD  Water  Reclamation
                                                        Plant  (WRP)  10  facility  and  construction  of  silt  berms  in  the
            Whitewater  River  Stormwater  Channel.  Results  of  the  study  indicated  that  the  proposed  project  can
            accommodate the recharge goal. Recharge will provide long‐term water level and water quality benefits for nitrate
            and chromium. CVWD has completed final designs and an EIR for a 25,000‐AFY project. Todd Groundwater is
            assisting CVWD under separate a contract to satisfy revised Waste Discharge Requirement (WDRs) for the WRP
            10 facility. Edwin Lin served as Project Manager. Amber Ritchie managed GIS and water databases and developed
            detailed cross sections to support groundwater modeling.

                                                                              Recharge Flowpaths and Mounding

                                                                                      TODD GROUNDWATER

                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 174 of 208
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