Page 179 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Relevant Experience Palm Desert Aquifer Recharge Facility Study,
Development of off‐stream recharge Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), Riverside
basin modification concepts County
Development of in‐channel basin
concepts CWE evaluated recharge on the Whitewater River for the
Estimation of capital and O&M costs Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). The study evaluated the
Active Dates: Jun 2016 – Dec 2016 feasibility of recharging Colorado River water (CRW) in the Palm
Desert area in a 2 mile reach of the Whitewater River storm
Budget: $23,998
channel that crosses through the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area.
Reference: The river reach is a 300‐foot wide channel with sloped, concrete‐
Mr. Edwin Lin lined banks with a soil cover and a natural bottom. We worked
Principal Hydrogeologist with Todd Groundwater to evaluate several concepts that included
Todd Groundwater river and offline basin recharge facilities to spread stormwater and
510.747.6920 x104 CRW. Tasks included review or existing facility design, operations, and maintenance; evaluation of multiple concepts which included
Key CWE Staff: development of concept design drawings, cost estimation, and
evaluation based on criteria such as capital cost, operation and
Ben Willardson
maintenance costs, and water recharge capacities, and preparation
of a basis of design report for CVWD.
Concept Plan for Re‐Purposing of Effluent Ponds to Recharge Basins
Concept Plan for Whitewater River In‐Channel Recharge Basins
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 176 of 208