Page 183 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 183
Relevant Experience Water Quality Storm Drainage Fee / Los Angeles
Multi‐agency coordination County Department of Public Works,
Strategic communications and Los Angeles County, California
Consensus‐building among numerous MIG worked with the County on a multi‐billion‐dollar countywide storm
drainage user fee to improve water quality in rivers, lakes and coastal
waters. The MIG Team helped bring 85 cities and a multitude of
Active Dates: 2012‐2013 stakeholders to agreement on the fee level, how revenue would be
Budget: $900,000 allocated, governance, local return and priority projects.
Reference: The strategy included Advisory Working Committees with city managers
Mr. Mark Pestrella, Director and county representatives, as well as with environmental groups.
Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works Overlaying the Advisory Committees is the Community Task Force, which
626.458.4001 consists of elected mayors and councilmembers; executive directors of business, building/development, taxpayer groups and environmental
Key MIG Staff: organizations. The emphasis of the initiative is to develop multi‐objective
solutions by incorporating natural filtration and groundwater recharge,
Mark Sillings and Esmeralda Garcia
parks and green infrastructure, open space, riparian and aquatic habitat
restoration and economic development opportunities.
The team conducted focus groups and polling to develop ballot language and project priorities. Although the Board of
Supervisors put a hold on the project, the effort laid the groundwork for ongoing discussions and work toward an eventual
funding measure.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 180 of 208