Page 188 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 188
Edwin H. Lin, PG, CHG
Recharge Site Characterization for Recharge Feasibility, Western Municipal Water District
As project hydrogeologist, Mr. Lin designed and supervised a hydrogeologic field investigation
to characterize the suitability of five separate sites in the Arlington Basin for managed aquifer
recharge of surface reservoir water. Subsurface characterization methods included Cone
Penetration Testing (CPT), hollow‐stem auger drilling, double‐ring infiltrometer tests, and lab
analyses for hydraulic and geotechnical properties. Mr. Lin performed analytical mounding
analyses to estimate the recharge potential of each site. Investigation results, including
geotechnical analyses performed by subcontractor Ninyo & Moore, indicated that an
enhanced recharge project at each of the five sites was feasible. Sites were ranked according
to the most favorable hydrogeologic conditions for recharge and conceptual designs were
developed for one site.
Groundwater Basin Conceptual Models, Feasibility Study, and Groundwater Management
Plan, Mojave Water Agency (MWA) and Bighorn‐Desert View Water Agency
As project hydrogeologist, Mr. Lin developed basin conceptual models and evaluated water
supply and demand conditions to evaluate the feasibility of MAR with SWP water in three
High Desert basins. As part of the study, Mr. Lin helped design a geophysical surveying
program to confirm vadose zone lithology and fault locations. Findings indicated a MAR
project would benefit communities in the Ames Valley basin. Mr. Lin assisted MWA and the
local water agency in preparing environmental review documents and implementing a
feasibility study to characterize the preferred MAR site. A feasibility study was completed,
involving the drilling and installation of monitoring wells, aquifer testing, water quality
analysis, and core analysis of vadose zone samples to evaluate the infiltration potential of the
target recharge location. Mr. Lin helped to construct a MODFLOW groundwater flow model
used to predict groundwater mounding and recharge flowpaths. The model demonstrated
the feasibility of enhanced recharge and identified downgradient wells that would intercept
and benefit from enhanced recharge. Mr. Lin also assisted with modifying a multi‐agency
pumping agreement and basin groundwater management plan, forming the basis for
sustainable groundwater management of the basin.
Regional Water Quality Changes from Recycled Water Recharge. Groundwater Resources
Association 1 Symposium in Series on Groundwater Management “Managed Aquifer
Recharge in the Urban Environment: Technical and Policy Challenges”, Burlingame, CA, May
Storing water in California desert basins: selection of managed aquifer recharge sites in the
Ames Valley Groundwater Basin (San Bernardino County, CA). with P. Stanin, A. Garcia, and L.
Eckhart., Groundwater Resources Association, 3rd symposium in the groundwater resource
series: “Increasing groundwater storage to meet California’s future demand: challenges and
solutions”, Long Beach, CA, June 2007.
Evaluation of Roughing Filtration for Pre‐treatment of Stormwater prior to Aquifer Storage &
Recovery (ASR). with D. Page, P. Pavelic, P. Dillon, and J. Hutson Australian Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Land & Water Science Report March
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