Page 191 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 191
Phyllis Stanin, PG, CEG, CHG
Technical Support for SGMA and Preparation of GSP, Turlock Groundwater Basin Association
(TGBA), Stanislaus and Merced Counties, California
Ms. Stanin has organized and is leading a consultant team to assist TGBA with SGMA
compliance. Beginning in 2016, this assistance has included development of a Planning
Document to guide SGMA compliance and GSP implementation, development of a Data
Management System, analysis and recommendation of technical approaches (e.g., for
modeling), assistance with public outreach and agency collaboration, development of a
fiscal strategy, and assistance with preparation of a grant funding application. As of 2018,
the consultant team is beginning the first phases of GSP preparation for the West Turlock
Subbasin GSA.
Technical Support for SGMA, Modesto Subbasin, Stanislaus County, California
Ms. Stanin is assisting the Stanislaus and Tuolumne Rivers Groundwater Basin Association
Groundwater Sustainability Agency (STRGBA GSA) with SGMA compliance for the Modesto
Subbasin. In 2017, she assisted the seven STRGBA GSA parties (i.e., cities of Modesto,
Oakdale, Riverbank and Waterford; Stanislaus County; and Oakdale and Modesto irrigation
districts) with formation of the GSA and with preparation of an application for the
Sustainable Groundwater Planning grant program. As of 2018, she is assisting with
exploration of potential modification of the eastern boundary of the Modesto Subbasin,
prior to embarking on preparation of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the STRGBA
Aquifer Characterization and Recharge Feasibility Study, City of Modesto, Stanislaus County,
Ms. Stanin is project manager for an ongoing groundwater study for the City of Modesto.
The project is the first step in the City’s MAR Program to develop strategies for recharge of
treated surface water. The project involved foundational aquifer characterization work
through construction of nine hydrogeologic cross sections and incorporated groundwater
quality and aquifer parameter data to select favorable areas for MAR. For part of the
recharge analysis, Todd Groundwater modified and applied the USGS MERSTAN model, a
regional groundwater flow model developed by USGS. Groundwater modeling indicated that
MAR was feasible, but that depth to groundwater was a critical parameter. The project is
being funded through a grant from the Local Groundwater Assistance Program (LGA) with
oversight by the California Department of Water Resources.
Groundwater Banking and Groundwater Model Construction, Kern County, California
Ms. Stanin is project manager for an evaluation of groundwater banking operations in Kern
County, California. This ongoing project involves the development of a regional groundwater
flow model to assess the effects of the groundwater banking projects on the Kern Fan. The
MODFLOW groundwater model covers a 430‐square mile area, and comprises a three‐layer
aquifer system using over 1 million model cells. Calibration to dynamic flow conditions over
the period 1986‐2010 was completed successfully and the model has been applied to
scenarios with and without banking; this has revealed the relative effects on groundwater
levels of various banking projects.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 188 of 208