Page 190 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 190
Phyllis Stanin, PG, CEG, CHG
Groundwater Basin Conceptual Model, Baja and Centro Subareas, Mojave River
Groundwater Basin, Mojave Water Agency, San Bernardino County, California
Ms. Stanin was project manager for a multi‐year study of two subareas comprising over
2,000 acres in the lower portion of the adjudicated Mojave River Groundwater Basin. The
project synthesized findings from historical studies dating back to early 1900s with analyses
of new geologic, groundwater level and water quality data into one comprehensive
document. This document has been used to support future groundwater management
planning, including MAR of imported SWP water. The project included conceptual and
numerical groundwater flow model development and review; characterization of basin
geometry, aquifer properties, impacts of hydraulic (fault) barriers on groundwater flow,
groundwater water level trend analysis, evaluation of impacts of local and regional pumping
and dam construction on surface water flows and downstream recharge along Mojave River;
transient basin subarea water balance development; MODFLOW model water budget
extraction and review; groundwater quality characterization; and water demand
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Alternative Plan, Zone 7 Water Agency
Zone 7 Water Agency has been actively managing the Livermore Valley Groundwater Basin
for decades and is the exclusive GSA for the basin. Given its successful management, Zone 7
prepared an Alternative Plan, which was functionally equivalent to a GSP. Ms. Stanin, as
project manager, assisted Zone 7 staff with an overall approach to Alternative Plan
preparation, reviewed numerous documents for integration into the Plan, and wrote
substantial sections, including refinement of thresholds and definition of undesirable results
consistent with GSP regulations.
Technical Support for SGMA, City of Corona, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
(EVMWD), and Temescal Valley Water District (TVWD), Riverside County, California
Ms. Stanin has had the opportunity to assist the City of Corona with numerous issues related
to new regulations under SGMA including technical support for GSA formation for the three
groundwater basins within the City’s water service area. She has also prepared resolutions
and outreach material to support the GSA process. From January through March 2016, she
led a successful basin boundary modification for the City, EVMWD, and TVWD using
scientific and jurisdictional rationale for the creation of a new Bedford‐Coldwater Subbasin
to facilitate SGMA activities. She has also reviewed basin boundary modification requests by
agencies in adjacent subbasins and assessed potential impacts of those requests on future
GSPs. Currently, she is providing technical support and review of a GSP Alternative Plan
being prepared by Orange County Water District in a portion of the Corona service area that
overlaps the Orange County Groundwater Basin.
Mojave Water Agency (MWA) Service Area Salt and Nutrient Management Plan (SNMP)
Ms. Stanin was the project manager for the SNMP for the Mojave Water Agency service
area. The plan included estimates of water budgets and salt and nutrient loading analysis for
22 analysis subregions using a dynamic water quality mixing model incorporating existing
USGS MODFLOW model outputs, an anti‐degradation analysis, development of a monitoring
and reporting plan, and preparation of the SNMP.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 187 of 208