Page 5 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 5
Approved on May 23, 2018
Section 2.3 Powers and Duties. The Yucaipa-SGMA shall exercise the following powers:
A. To adopt rules, regulations, policies, bylaws and procedures governing the
operation of the Yucaipa-SGMA.
B. To establish as-needed Ad Hoc and Standing advisory committees for
making recommendations to the Board of Directors. Committees shall exist
for the term specified in the action creating the committee, and the Board
of Directors may dissolve a committee at any time through a majority vote
of the Parties.
C. To monitor all public and private groundwater production and extractions.
D. To develop a Groundwater Sustainability Plan as described in Section 2.2.
E. To prepare an Annual Groundwater Report that reflects: all public and
private groundwater extractions; natural and artificial recharge; return from
use; water quality issues; contamination plumes; and other parameters
deemed necessary by the Board of Directors to accurately determine the
quantity and quality of the groundwater conditions in the Yucaipa Basin
(Department of Water Resources Sub-Basin No. 8-02.07).
F. To determine the amount of additional artificial recharge for the Basin from
imported sources as a complement to native sources, and to plan for the
development and application of such additional sources of recharge.
G. By a majority vote, the Board of Directors may elect to exercise the
following powers for a duration determined or modified as needed:
a. To contract for the services of engineers, attorneys, planners,
financial consultants, and separate and apart therefrom, to appoint
agents and representatives to employ such other staff persons as
b. To determine, assess, collect, account, and audit annual
groundwater extraction charges to recover expenses related to
groundwater recharge, administrative expenses, data collection,
and report preparation as determined by the Board of Directors.
c. To cooperate, act in conjunction, and contract with the United
States, the State of California, or any agency thereof, counties,
municipalities, public and private corporations of any kind (including
without limitation, investor-owned utilities), and individuals, or any
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - January 23, 2019 - Page 5 of 137