Page 24 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 24

December 2016                                                         Preparation Checklist for GSP Submittal Guidance Document

                    GSP       Water Code                                                                          Section(s) or
                 Regulations    Section      Requirement                        Description                     Page Number(s)
                   Section                                                                                         in the GSP

                 Article 5. Plan Contents, Subarticle 3. Sustainable Management Criteria (Continued)
                 354.30       10727.2(b)(1)  Measureable     • Description of establishment of the measureable objectives
                                           Objectives          for each sustainability indicator
                                                             • Description of how a reasonable margin of safety was
                              10727.2(d)(1)                    established for each measureable objective
                              10727.2(d)(2)                  • Description of a reasonable path to achieve and maintain
                                                               the sustainability goal, including a description of interim
                 Article 5. Plan Contents, Subarticle 4. Monitoring Networks

                 354.34       10727.2(d)(1)  Monitoring      • Description of monitoring network
                                           Networks          • Description of monitoring network objectives
                                                             • Description of how the monitoring network is designed to:
                              10727.2(e)                       demonstrate groundwater occurrence, flow directions, and
                              10727.2(f)                       hydraulic gradients between principal aquifers and surface
                                                               water features; estimate the change in annual groundwater
                                                               in storage; monitor seawater intrusion; determine
                                                               groundwater quality trends; identify the rate and extent of
                                                               land subsidence; and calculate depletions of surface water
                                                               caused by groundwater extractions
                                                             • Description of how the monitoring network provides
                                                               adequate coverage of Sustainability Indicators
                                                             • Density of monitoring sites and frequency of
                                                               measurements required to demonstrate short-term,
                                                               seasonal, and long-term trends
                                                             • Scientific rational (or reason) for site selection
                                                             • Consistency with data and reporting standards
                                                             • Corresponding sustainability indicator, minimum threshold,
                                                               measureable objective, and interim milestone

                California Department of Water Resources                                                                        6
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