Page 98 - Yucaipa Valley Water District
P. 98

Workshop Memorandum 17-076

                Date:          May 30, 2017

                From:          Peggy Little, Administrative Supervisor
                               Erin Anton, Administrative Clerk IV

                Subject:       Review of Bad Debt Summary for Calendar Year 2015

               The District actively pursues delinquent accounts, and in most cases is able to collect delinquent
               fees through a combination of shutting off the services provided, sending accounts to a collection
               agency, placing a lien on the property involved, and/or pursuing the claims through legal actions
               such as small claims court.  In some cases, the District is unable to collect the money owed the

               During  the  calendar  year  2015,  the  amount  of  bad  debt  totals  $27,288.24,  which  includes
               $11,791.89 for sewer only customers and $15,496.35 for water/sewer customers.  Of this bad
               debt total $3,948.71 is due to home foreclosures, leaving account balances of $23,339.53 that
               was  not  collected  in  the  normal
               collection process.                                   Bad Debt as a Percentage of
                                                                 Annual Water and Sewer Revenues
               As a proper accounting procedure,    0.300%                               0.270%
               this  bad  debt  must  be  accounted
               for  on  our  financial  statements;                                        0.240%
               otherwise  the  debt  remains  as  a   0.250%                                  0.230%  0.230%
               liability  on  the  District’s  annual
               audit.                                        0.190%
               District staff has compiled the list of                                              0.160%
               uncollectible accounts for calendar                                                    0.140%  0.133%  0.143%
               year  2015,  which  amounts  to      0.150%      0.120%                0.120%
               $27,288.24.    Of  this  total,  only
               14.5% of the bad debts are due to
               home foreclosures.                   0.100%                      0.073%  0.065%
                                                                   0.055%  0.053%  0.047%  0.049%
               Overall,  the  total  amount  of  bad   0.050%           0.034%
               debt  represents  a  loss of  0.143%
               for  calendar  year  2015  based  on
               total water and sewer revenues.      0.000%
                                                             1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015

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