Page 4 - Yucaipa Valley Water District - Board Workshop
P. 4

Ignoring $30B From Water Bonds and State Surplus,

                          Gov. Gavin Newsom Wants New Water Tax
                    Taxpayers want to know where the money from eight

                                           water bonds has gone?

               By Katy Grimes, March 21, 2019 7:59 am

               Despite Assembly Constitutional Amendment 3 that would use 2 percent of the annual General
               Fund to pay for all water improvement projects, and eight water bonds totaling more than $30
               billion, Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to charge California water customers up to $10 per month to
               pay for the clean up of contaminated water in low-income and rural areas.

               However,  since  year  2000,  voters  have  approved  eight  water  bonds  totaling  more  than  $30
               billion, according the Legislative Analyst’s Office.  However, very little has been spent on water
               storage projects that would create new water-supply sources for Californians, which is what the
               state actually needs in order to realistically deal with inevitable droughts.   New water supply and
               population growth is the biggest concern of Assemblyman Mathis.

               ACA 3 was introduced in January by Assemblyman Devon Mathis (R-Visalia) but has not yet had
               a hearing.  The bill addresses water improvement projects, water infrastructure, environmental
               quality  improvements,  groundwater  clean-up  and  recharge,  and  emergency  drinking  water

               You  may  recall  that  Mathis  is  the  Assemblyman who  has  tried  for  several  years to  get  his
               colleagues in the Legislature to pass legislation to fund clean drinking water for the 10,000 poor

                                        Yucaipa Valley Water District - March 26, 2019 - Page 4 of 202
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