Page 5 - Yucaipa Valley Water District - Board Workshop
P. 5

constituents   in   his   district   reliant   on
               groundwater wells which wells went dry in the
               drought – to no avail.

               Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  proposed  in  January  a
               plan  to  spend  $25  million  for  the  “Safe  and
               Affordable  Drinking  Water  Fund,”  by taxing
               drinking water.  A bill proposing a drinking water
               tax  was  introduced  last  year,  but  was  killed
               during the committee process under threat of a
               veto by Gov. Jerry Brown.  In 2018 Sen. Bill Monning (D-Carmel) authored SB623 to establish a
               Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund, which also received strong opposition from numerous
               state agencies and coalitions. SB 623 died in the Assembly Rules Committee.

               Sen. Anna Caballero (D-Salinas) also has a bill which would use money from the state’s nearly
               $30 billion surplus to create a trust fund to pay for water improvements.

               Taxpayer advocates and water agencies across the state oppose Newsom’s plan.  Some say it
               is just a blatant attempt to create another tax-revenue funding source on the back of a serious
               issue – just like the state’s rundown highways and roads and the gas tax.  And others have said
               this tax could open the door to other new taxes on water for a variety of different programs.

               “The Governor is talking about the housing crisis, and building many new homes,” Assemblyman
               Mathis said in an interview in January.  “In order for California to build houses, we must improve
               water infrastructure.  We know we need to capture water, and move it down South, and get it into
               the ground.”

               “But in order to do this, we have to have a guaranteed funding formula,” Mathis added. “Bonds
               haven’t worked. The money is not there — it’s gone, and on what?”

               “We don’t think it makes sense to tax a resource that is essential to living,” said Cindy Tuck of
               the Association  of  California  Water  Agencies.    “However,  a  statewide  water  tax  is  highly
               problematic and is not necessary when alternative funding solutions exist and the state has a
               huge budget surplus.”

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                                        Yucaipa Valley Water District - March 26, 2019 - Page 5 of 202
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