Page 5 - Yucaipa Valley Water District
P. 5

The motion was approved by the following vote:
                                                   Director Jay Bogh - Absent
                                                   Director Bruce Granlund - Yes
                                                   Director Lonni Granlund - Absent
                                                   Director Chris Mann - Yes
                                                   Director Joyce McIntire - Yes

                STAFF REPORT                General Manager Joseph Zoba discussed the following topics:
                                                •  Information was provided about Assembly Bill 510 and
                                                    Assembly Bill 1486.

                DISCUSSION ITEMS:

                DM 19-034                   General Manager Joseph Zoba presented the Unaudited
                                            Financial Report for the period ending on February 28, 2019.
                PRESENTATION OF
                THE UNAUDITED               Director Bruce Granlund moved that the Board receive and file
                FINANCIAL REPORT            the unaudited financial report.  Director Joyce McIntire
                FOR THE PERIOD              seconded the motion.
                ENDING ON FEBRUARY
                28, 2019                    The motion was approved by the following vote:
                                                   Director Jay Bogh - Absent
                                                   Director Bruce Granlund - Yes
                                                   Director Lonni Granlund - Absent
                                                   Director Chris Mann - Yes
                                                   Director Joyce McIntire - Yes

                DM 19-035                   General Manager Joseph Zoba provided information about a
                                            request to purchase 1,200 acre feet of imported water for
                DISCUSSION                  spreading purposes in 2019.
                REGARDING AN
                ADDITIONAL                  Director Joyce McIntire moved that Board approve the purchase
                PURCHASE OF                 of 1,200 acre-feet of imported water for recharge at the Wilson
                IMPORTED WATER TO           Creek Spreading Basins for a sum not to exceed $142,080.
                ORDER FOR 2019              Director Bruce Granlund seconded the motion.
                FROM THE SAN
                BERNARDINO VALLEY           The motion was approved by the following vote:
                MUNICIPAL WATER                    Director Jay Bogh - Absent
                DISTRICT                           Director Bruce Granlund - Yes
                                                   Director Lonni Granlund - Absent
                                                   Director Chris Mann - Yes
                                                   Director Joyce McIntire - Yes

                DM 19-036                   General Manager Joseph Zoba provided information about the
                                            additional study area needed for the Calimesa Lake and
                CONSIDERATION FOR           Recharge Facility.
                ECORP CONSULTING
                TO EXPAND THE               Director Bruce Granlund pointed out that the meeting agenda
                ORIGINAL STUDY              had an error, but the information for this item was included in the
                AREA FOR THE OAK            meeting packet.

               Yucaipa Valley Water District                                                        Page 2 of 4
                                         Beaumont Basin Watermaster - April 2, 2019 - Page 5 of 35
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