Page 102 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 102

Attachment A

                                 2012 Notification Procedures and Requirements for
                                              Certified Nationwide Permits

               Notification Requirements:

               (In the following discussion, a “Pre-construction Notification” (PCN) is the document submitted
               to the Corps; a “notification” is the document submitted to the State Water Board and Regional
               Water Board.)

               Applicants for the 2012 certified Nationwide Permits (NWPs) are required to submit notification
               to the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and Regional Water Quality
               Control Board (Regional Water Board) as directed below.

               Applicants enrolling under NWPs 5, 6, 11, 12, 20, 22, 28, 32, and 36 are required to submit a
               signed notification and fees.  Applicants enrolling under NWPs 1, 4, 9, and 10 are not required
               to submit a notification or fees to the State Water Board or a Regional Water Board.  The fact
               that an applicant does not need to submit a notification or pay a fee does not relieve the
               applicant from adhering to all other conditions of this Certification.  Failure to comply with the
               conditions listed in this Certification may subject a permittee to administrative and/or judicial

               Notification Procedures and Instructions:

               The notification shall be submitted on the 2012 Certified Nationwide Permit Notification Form,
               which is provided below.

               The signed notification shall be received by the appropriate Regional Water Board, with a copy
               to the State Water Board, not less than 45 days before any activity which may result in a
               discharge is commenced.  To avoid project delays, the applicant should submit the notification
               as early as possible.

               Note that projects requiring compensatory mitigation or which may affect federal or state
               endangered or listed species do not qualify for CEQA exemptions, and are thus would not meet
               the conditions of this certification.  In this case, an application for an individual certification
               should be submitted to the appropriate Regional Water Board or, if the project may discharge to
               the jurisdiction of more than one Regional Water Board, then the application should be
               submitted to the State Water Board.

               Response to Notifications:

               The Regional Water Board is responsible for responding to a notification.  Response to
               notifications will be either a Notice of Exclusion (NOE), which informs the applicant that the
               proposed activity is not qualified for enrollment under this certification, or a Notice of
               Applicability (NOA), informing the applicant that the proposed activity is qualified for this
               certification.  A NOE may be rescinded and a NOA may be issued upon receipt of additional
               information requested by Regional Water Board staff.

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