Page 104 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 104
(c) Copies of any final and signed federal permits, licenses, and agreements.
1) Provide copies of any final and signed federal, licenses, permits, and agreements (or
copies of the draft documents, if not finalized) that will be required for any construction,
operation, maintenance, or other actions associated with the activity.
2) If no final or draft document is available, a list of all remaining agency regulatory
approvals being sought shall be included.
3) If no application, notification, correspondence, or other document must be exchanged
between the applicant and federal agency(ies) prior to the start of the activity, the
notification to the State Water Board and appropriate Regional Water Board shall include
a written statement to this effect. (Note: Certification is denied for any activity requiring
the issuance or renewal of more than one federal license or permit; see Condition 7 of
the certification).
(d) Provide final copies of all state permits being sought for or applying to the proposed
activity, as directed for federal permits in (c) above.
(e) Provide final copies of all local permits being sought for or applying to the proposed
activity, as directed for federal permits in (c) above.
(f) Provide a copy of any draft or final CEQA document(s), if available, prepared for this
activity. Staff may request copies of all CEQA documents if needed to evaluate the
project and its compliance with the terms of this Certification.
(g) Provide a description of your project. This should include a full, technically accurate
description, including the purpose and final goal, of the entire activity (Cal. Code Regs., tit.
23, § 3831(e)) or project (Pub. Resources Code, § 21065), including:
1) address (including city and county), assessor’s parcel number and, if available, the
longitude and latitude of the project site;
2) a map of appropriate scale and detail to show the project area, key project features, and
location of the project in relation to identifying landmarks (e.g., roads, towns, other
significant named features);
3) name(s) and hydrologic unit(s) of any receiving water body(ies) that may receive a
4) type(s) of receiving water body(ies) (e. g., stream channel, lake/reservoir,
ocean/estuary/bay, or wetland). For each water body type reported here, provide the
total estimated quantity of waters of the United States and the types of discharge
material(s) that may cause a temporary impact (or minor permanent impact, in the case
of NWP 36) to waters. The estimated quantity of waters to be adversely impacted by
any discharge shall be reported in acres and, for channels, shorelines, riparian corridors,
and other linear habitat, linear feet. Cubic yards of dredged for fill material shall be
reported for all impacts. Significant adverse impacts under this order are not permitted;
5) any delineation report submitted to the Corps for stream, wetland, or other aquatic
resources that would be impacted by the proposed activity or project;
6) the total size (in acres), length (in feet) where appropriate, type, and description of the
entire project area, including areas outside of jurisdictional waters of the United States;
7) a brief list/description, including estimated adverse impacts of any projects implemented
by the project applicant within the last five years or planned for implementation by the
applicant within the next five years that are in any way related to the proposed activity or
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 100 of 226