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Grant Agreement No. 46000XXXX
                                                                                                        Page 18 of 38

               a)  Publish a statement notifying employees, contractors, and subcontractors that unlawful
                   manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited
                   and specifying actions to be taken against employees, contractors, or subcontractors for violations,
                   as required by Government Code section 8355.

               b)  Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program, as required by Government Code section 8355 to
                   inform employees, contractors, or subcontractors about all of the following:
                   i)  The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace,
                   ii)  Grantee’s policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace,
                   iii)  Any available counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and

                   iv)  Penalties that may be imposed upon employees, contractors, and subcontractors for drug
                       abuse violations.

               c)  Provide, as required by Government Code section 8355, that every employee, contractor, and/or
                   subcontractor who works under this Grant Agreement:

                   i)  Will receive a copy of Grantee’s drug-free policy statement, and
                   ii)  Will agree to abide by terms of Grantee’s condition of employment, contract or subcontract.
        D.16)  EASEMENTS: Where the Grantee acquires property in fee title or funds improvements to real property
               already owned in fee by the Grantee using State funds provided through this Grant Agreement, an
               appropriate easement or other title restriction providing for floodplain preservation and agricultural
               and/or wildlife habitat conservation for the subject property in perpetuity, approved by the State, shall
               be conveyed to a regulatory or trustee agency or conservation group acceptable to the State. The
               easement or other title restriction must be in first position ahead of any recorded mortgage or lien on
               the property unless this requirement is waived by the State.
               Where the Grantee acquires an easement under this Agreement, the Grantee agrees to monitor and
               enforce the terms of the easement, unless the easement is subsequently transferred to another land
               management or conservation organization or entity with State permission, at which time monitoring and
               enforcement responsibilities will transfer to the new easement owner.
               Failure to provide an easement acceptable to the State can result in termination of this Agreement.
               the Project, Grantee shall provide for a final inspection and certification by a California Registered
               Professional (i.e., Professional Civil Engineer, Engineering Geologist, that the Project has been
               completed in accordance with submitted final plans and specifications and any modifications thereto
               and in accordance with this Grant Agreement.
        D.18)  GRANTEE'S RESPONSIBILITY. Grantee and its representatives shall:

               a)  Faithfully and expeditiously perform or cause to be performed all project work as described in
                   Exhibit A and in accordance with Project Exhibit B and Exhibit C.

               b)  Accept and agree to comply with all terms, provisions, conditions, and written commitments of this
                   Grant Agreement, including all incorporated documents, and to fulfill all assurances, declarations,
                   representations, and statements made by Grantee in the application, documents, amendments, and
                   communications filed in support of its request for funding.
               c)  Comply with all applicable California, federal, and local laws and regulations.

               d)  Implement the Project in accordance with applicable provisions of the law.

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