Page 18 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
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Grant Agreement No. 46000XXXX
                                                                                                        Page 16 of 38

               administering this Grant Agreement.  All records of Grantee or its contractor or subcontractors shall be
               preserved for this purpose for at least three (3) years after receipt of the final disbursement under this
               Agreement.  If an audit reveals any impropriety, the Bureau of State Audits or the State Controller’s
               Office may conduct a full audit of any or all of the Funding Recipient’s activities.  (Wat. Code, § 79708,
               subd. (c).)
        D.6)   BUDGET CONTINGENCY: If the Budget Act of the current year covered under this Grant Agreement
               does not appropriate sufficient funds for this program, this Grant Agreement shall be of no force and
               effect. This provision shall be construed as a condition precedent to the obligation of State to make any
               payments under this Grant Agreement. In this event, State shall have no liability to pay any funds
               whatsoever to Grantee or to furnish any other considerations under this Grant Agreement and Grantee
               shall not be obligated to perform any provisions of this Grant Agreement. Nothing in this Grant
               Agreement shall be construed to provide Grantee with a right of priority for payment over any other
               Grantee. If funding for any fiscal year after the current year covered by this Grant Agreement is reduced
               or deleted by the Budget Act, by Executive Order, or by order of the Department of Finance, the State
               shall have the option to either cancel this Grant Agreement with no liability occurring to State, or offer a
               Grant Agreement amendment to Grantee to reflect the reduced amount.
        D.7)   CEQA: Activities funded under this Grant Agreement, regardless of funding source, must be in
               compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et
               seq.)  Any work that is subject to CEQA and funded under this Grant Agreement shall not proceed until
               documents that satisfy the CEQA process are received by the State’s Project Manager and the State
               has completed its CEQA compliance.  Work funded under the Grant Agreement subject to a CEQA
               document shall not proceed until and unless approved by State Project Manager.  Such approval is fully
               discretionary and shall constitute a condition precedent to any work for which it is required.  If CEQA
               compliance by the Grantee is not complete at the time the State signs this Agreement, once State has
               considered the environmental documents, it may decide to require changes, alterations, or other
               mitigation to the Project; or to not fund the Project.  Should the State decide to not fund the Project, this
               Agreement shall be terminated in accordance with Paragraph 11.
        D.8)   CHILD SUPPORT COMPLIANCE ACT: The Grantee acknowledges in accordance with Public Contract
               Code section 7110, that:
               a)  The Grantee recognizes the importance of child and family support obligations and shall fully
                   comply with all applicable state and federal laws relating to child and family support enforcement,
                   including, but not limited to, disclosure of information and compliance with earnings assignment
                   orders, as provided in Family Code section 5200 et seq.; and
               b)  The Grantee, to the best of its knowledge is fully complying with the earnings assignment orders of
                   all employees and is providing the names of all new employees to the New Hire Registry
                   maintained by the California Employment Development Department.

        D.9)   CLAIMS DISPUTE: Any claim that the Grantee may have regarding performance of this Agreement
               including, but not limited to, claims for additional compensation or extension of time, shall be submitted
               to the DWR Project Representative, within thirty (30) days of the Grantee’s knowledge of the claim.
               State and Grantee shall then attempt to negotiate a resolution of such claim and process an
               amendment to this Agreement to implement the terms of any such resolution.
        D.10)  COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND PROCUREMENTS: Grantee shall comply with all applicable laws and
               regulations regarding securing competitive bids and undertaking competitive negotiations in Grantee’s
               contracts with other entities for acquisition of goods and services and construction of public works with
               funds provided by State under this Grant Agreement.

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