Page 14 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 14

Grant Agreement No. 46000XXXX
                                                                                                        Page 12 of 38

                                                         EXHIBIT A

                                                        WORK PLAN

        The work plan must consist of scope of proposed work including tasks and project deliverables.
        Category  (a):    Project  Administration  <Use  the  following  template  for  Category  (a),  modify  with
        additional tasks as needed>
        Task 1:  Administration

               Manage Grant agreement including Agreement execution and Amendment(s) (if necessary),
               communication with DWR on a timely basis, and maintenance of project files related to implementation
               of the grant agreement.
                     Deliverables
                          o  Executed Grant Agreement. Amendment(s) (if necessary)
                          o  Executed contract(s) with consultants <if applicable>
        Task 2:  Invoicing
               Prepare and submit invoices to DWR, track task progress and schedule, and manage contracts and
               budgets associated with the Grant Agreement. The Grantee, or its designee, will administer and track
               any contracts with consultants or other agencies that are necessary to complete tasks in the Work Plan
               and compile the required invoice back-up information.
                     Deliverables
                          o  Invoices and associated backup documentation

        Task 3:  Reporting
               The Grantee will be responsible for compiling progress reports for submittal to DWR. The Grantee will
               retain consultants as needed to prepare and submit quarterly progress reports, at a minimum and the
               Final Grant Completion Report.

               Reports will meet generally accepted professional standards for technical reporting and the
               requirements outlined in Exhibit F of this Agreement.  Upon completion of this Work Plan, a final Grant
               Completion Report will be prepared and submitted to DWR.
                     Deliverables
                          o  Progress reports
                          o  Draft and Final Grant Completion Report

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