Page 10 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 10
Grant Agreement No. 46000XXXX
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16) SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. The submittal and approval of all reports is a requirement for the successful
completion of this Grant Agreement. Reports shall meet generally accepted professional standards for
technical reporting and shall be proofread for content, numerical accuracy, spelling, and grammar prior to
submittal to State. All reports shall be submitted to the State’s Project Manager, and shall be submitted via
Department of Water Resources (DWR) “Grant Review and Tracking System” (GRanTS). If requested,
Grantee shall promptly provide any additional information deemed necessary by State for the approval of
reports. Reports shall be presented in the formats described in the applicable portion of Exhibit F. The
timely submittal of reports is a requirement for initial and continued disbursement of State funds. Submittal
and subsequent approval by the State, of a Project Completion Report is a requirement for the release of
any funds retained for such project.
1. Progress Reports: Grantee shall submit Progress Reports to meet the State’s requirement for
disbursement of funds. Progress Reports shall be shall be uploaded via GRanTS, and the State’s
Project Manager notified of upload. Progress Reports shall, in part, provide a brief description of the
work performed, Grantees activities, milestones achieved, any accomplishments and any problems
encountered in the performance of the work under this Grant Agreement during the reporting period.
The first Progress Report should be submitted to the State no later than <insert a reasonable date,
generally at least 1 quarter after the execution of the agreement> with future reports then due on
successive three-month increments based on the invoicing schedule and this date.
2. Groundwater Sustainability Plan: Grantee shall submit a Final Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP)
to DWR by the date as specified per SGMA. The GSP shall be formatted, drafted, prepared, and
completed as required by the GSP Regulations, and in accordance with any other regulations or
requirements that are stipulated through SGMA.
3. Coordination Agreement: Grantee shall provide State a copy of the executed Coordination Agreement,
and any and all supporting documentation. This condition is only required in basins where GSAs
develop multiple GSPs pursuant to Water Code section 10727(b)(3). Refer to the GSP Regulations for
necessary details and requirements to prepare and submit a Coordination Agreement.
4. Accountability Report: Grantee shall prepare and submit to State an Accountability Report on a
quarterly basis if the Grantee received an Advanced Payment, consistent with the provisions in
Paragraph 9, “Advanced Payment.”
5. Project Completion Report: Grantee shall prepare and submit to State a separate Project Completion
Report for each project included in Exhibit A. Grantee shall submit a Project Completion Report within
ninety (90) calendar days of project completion. Each Project Completion Report shall include, in part, a
description of actual work done, any changes or amendments to each project, and a final schedule
showing actual progress versus planned progress, copies of any final documents or reports generated
or utilized during a project. The Project Completion Report shall also include, if applicable for Category
1 Implementation Project(s), certification of final project by a registered civil engineer, consistent with
Exhibit D. A “Certification of Project Completion” form will be provided by the State.
6. Post-Performance Reports: Grantee shall prepare and submit to State Post-Performance Reports on
each applicable implementation type Project(s). Post-Performance Reports shall be submitted to State
within ninety (90) calendar days after the first operational year of a project has elapsed. This record
keeping and reporting process shall be repeated annually for a total of 10 years after the completed
project begins operation. <NOTE: Post-Performance Reports are not required for GSP submittal
Projects or other planning Projects. Only include in Grant Agreement for Category 1 Implementation
type Projects. Remove this requirement if not applicable.>
17) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PROJECT. For the useful life of construction and implementation
projects (pertinent to Implementation Projects (Category 1)) and in consideration of the funding made by
State, Grantee agrees to ensure or cause to be performed the commencement and continued operation of
the project, and shall ensure or cause the project to be operated in an efficient and economical manner;
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 10 of 226