Page 4 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 4

Grant Agreement No. 46000XXXX
                                                                                                         Page 2 of 38

               b.  Work that is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and or environmental
                   permitting shall not proceed under this Grant Agreement until the following actions are performed:
                   (1) Grantee submits to the State all applicable environmental permits as indicated on the
                       Environmental Information Form to the State,
                   (2) Documents that satisfy the CEQA process are received by the State,
                   (3) State has completed its CEQA compliance review as a Responsible Agency, and

                   (4) Grantee receives written concurrence from the State of Lead Agency’s CEQA document(s) and
                       State notice of verification of environmental permit submittal.

              State’s  concurrence  of  Lead  Agency’s  CEQA  documents  is  fully  discretionary  and  shall  constitute  a
              condition precedent to any work (i.e., construction or implementation activities) for which it is required.
              Once CEQA documentation has been completed, State will consider the environmental documents and
              decide  whether  to  continue  to  fund  the  project  or  to  require  changes,  alterations  or  other  mitigation.
              Grantee  must  also  demonstrate  that  it  has  complied  with  all  applicable  requirements  of  the  National
              Environmental Policy Act by submitting copies of any environmental documents, including environmental
               impact statements, Finding of No Significant Impact, mitigation monitoring programs, and environmental
               permits as may be required prior to beginning construction/implementation.
               c.  A monitoring plan as required by Paragraph 18, “Project Monitoring Plan Requirements”, if applicable
                   for Category 1 Implementation Project(s).
        6)  DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. State will disburse to Grantee the amount approved, subject to the
            availability of funds through normal State processes. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Grant
            Agreement, no disbursement shall be required at any time or in any manner which is in violation of, or in
            conflict with, federal or state laws, rules, or regulations, or which may require any rebates to the federal
            government, or any loss of tax-free status on state bonds, pursuant to any federal statute or regulation. Any
            and all money disbursed to Grantee under this Grant Agreement shall be deposited in a non-interest
            bearing account and shall be used solely to pay Eligible Project Costs.

        7)  ELIGIBLE PROJECT COST. Grantee shall apply State funds received only to eligible Project Costs in
            accordance with applicable provisions of the law and Exhibit B. Eligible Project Costs include the
            reasonable costs of studies, engineering, design, land and easement acquisition, legal fees, preparation of
            environmental documentation, environmental mitigations, monitoring, project construction, and/or any other
            scope of work efforts as described in Exhibit A. Reimbursable administrative expenses are the necessary
            costs incidental but directly related to the Project included in this Agreement.  Work performed on the
            Project after July 1, 2017, but before January 31, {2020 (Category 2, Tier 1) or 2022 (Category 2, Tier 2)}
            (end date), shall be eligible for reimbursement.
            Costs that are not eligible for reimbursement with State funds cannot be counted as Cost Share. Costs that
            are not eligible for reimbursement include, but are not limited to, the following items:
            1.  Costs, other than those noted above, incurred prior to the award date of this Grant.
            2.  Costs for preparing and filing a grant application belonging to another solicitation.

            3.  Operation and maintenance costs, including post construction performance and monitoring costs.
            4.  Purchase of equipment not an integral part of a project.

            5.  Establishing a reserve fund.
            6.  Purchase of water supply.
            7.  Monitoring and assessment costs for efforts required after project construction is complete.
            8.  Replacement of existing funding sources for ongoing programs.

                                   Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 4 of 226
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