Page 41 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 41
Request for Proposals
Infiltration Testing Implementation for
Thirteen Sites in Yucaipa Basin Area
Yucaipa Basin Recharge Study
Page 1
The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) has been working
collaboratively with the City of Yucaipa, San Bernardino County Flood Control District
(SBCFCD), and retail water agencies to develop a Groundwater Management Plan (Plan)
for the Yucaipa Basin (Basin). A key objective of the Plan is to manage local groundwater
resources conjunctively with imported State Water Project (SWP) water supplies, and to
increase basin recharge with natural storm runoff and recycled water so that future
demands can be met while also maintaining independence during periods of water
shortages. During the past 10 years conjunctive use has been partially implemented in
the Basin by Yucaipa Valley Water District (YVWD) who has operated groundwater
recharge facilities by importing SWP water to replenish the Basin.
Valley District and its partners have completed preliminary field investigations across
the Basin and have identified thirteen sites that are potentially suitable for future
managed aquifer recharge facilities, specifically surface spreading basins. To determine
whether the permeability of upper vadose zone sediments are favorable for long-term
groundwater recharge via surface spreading methods, Valley District and its partner
agencies are proposing to conduct a series of short-term, field-scale infiltration tests.
Test results will provide a planning-level estimate of the long-term infiltration capacity
of each investigation site.
Valley District, on behalf of the other agencies, is soliciting proposals from qualified
consultants for the implementation of the field recharge work plan (Work Plan) that
TODD Groundwater has developed for thirteen (13) sites in the Yucaipa Basin area
(Exhibit A). The consultant shall provide a separate scope of services and cost for each of
the respective recharge locations listed in the Work Plan.
Site Locations
Table 1 is attached in Exhibit B and includes detailed ownership and location
information for each of the thirteen sites selected for infiltration testing. Site locations
are provided on Figures 1 and 2 in Exhibit B as well. Figure 1 shows the locations of the
seven investigation sites under the jurisdiction of San Bernardino County Flood Control
District (SBCFCD), six of which are owned by SBCFCD and one of which is owned by the
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 41 of 226