Page 10 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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6 | Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
purposes of this proposal, it is assumed that sustainability indicators will be developed for up to four
management areas. The management areas may make up multiple subareas and will be defined in the
TAC and GSA meetings.
Undesirable Results
Undesirable results are defined as significant and unreasonable effects for one or more sustainability
indications (as defined in Task 2) caused by groundwater conditions in the basin. Our team will work with
the Yucaipa GSA and TAC to define the undesirable results. We will provide a description of the basin
groundwater conditions that would lead to undesirable results, criteria used to determine when they
occur, and potential effects of undesirable results. We will utilize the USGS groundwater flow model to
help evaluate the key sustainability indicators.
Minimum Thresholds
We will develop minimum thresholds for the applicable sustainability indicators identified for the Yucaipa
Basin. Minimum thresholds are a numeric value used to define the undesirable results in the previous
subtask. The minimum thresholds are a critical component of the GSP as they set levels that determine
whether the Yucaipa Basin is experiencing undesirable results and not achieving the sustainability goal.
Our team will provide justification for each minimum threshold and will describe the relationship between
different levels of the minimum thresholds and the effects on the other sustainability indicators. Our
team will prepare maps and graphics to illustrate the sustainability indicators.
Measurable Objectives
The key to developing measurable objectives is that they provide sufficient operational flexibility under
adverse conditions and consider levels of uncertainty. For example, a margin of operational flexibility
(a buffer between the minimum threshold and objective) can be used during extended drought periods
without causing undesirable results. Interim milestones will be developed for each applicable sustainability
indicator in five year intervals (five, ten, 15, and 20 years).
TAC Meetings Deliverables: TM that will become the
• Define the undesirable results and minimum “Undesirable Results, Minimum Thresholds,
thresholds related to groundwater levels and storage and Measurable Objectives” chapter of the
• Define the undesirable results and minimum Yucaipa GSP.
thresholds related to groundwater quality
• Define the undesirable results and minimum
thresholds related to other groundwater parameters
The Yucaipa Basin GSP will identify and describe projects and management actions that will help achieve
the sustainability goal identified in Task 6. The project identification and prioritization process will
be a stakeholder driven process focused on the benefits of each project and the contribution to the
sustainability goal. The Yucaipa Basin GSA members began working on the elements of a Groundwater
Management Plan together in 2014 and have identified supplemental recharge of imported and recycled
water as projects that can help achieve sustainability.
The team will develop a preliminary list of potential projects and management actions that build upon
previous efforts to help in achieving sustainability and avoiding overdraft.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 10 of 208